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Comment count is 36
Randroid - 2007-11-06

The deep ganguro tan is in direct conflict with traditional Japanese ideas of feminine beauty.

Dr Dim - 2007-11-06

Nandrolone's a hell of a drug.

Roachbud - 2007-11-06

I used to work in a club that was full of goons like this, now I know they're stupid when sober too.

svraz - 2007-11-06

What did you do at that club?

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2007-11-06

I think he was a bartender.

Hooker - 2007-11-06

I'm a bartender.

Adham Nu'man - 2013-11-06

Oh, these were such innocent times, when we didn't know what Roachbud did.

Angel Carver - 2007-11-06

The driver has very nice teeth.

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2007-11-06

Just 3 seconds in and I'm ready to shoot all of them in the head.

Gerhard - 2007-11-06

None of them appear to be wearing seat-belts, so half the work is done right there.

minimalist - 2007-11-06

Work out all you like, musclehead, you still have a voice like Jerry Lewis. I'd kill to hear him say "NICE LADY"

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2007-11-06

So I'm not the only one that noticed that, then? Maybe Jerry had a few illegitimate children in Jersey.

glasseye - 2007-11-06

Oh man, they're so retarded. Their ridiculous accents put this completely over the top.

Dinky Patterson - 2007-11-06

Is this who Goronchev is trying to impress?

Hooper_X - 2007-11-06

Can we have gweedo week now?

x - 2007-11-06

They all met in their high school's chess club.

waxeater - 2007-11-06

http://www.djais.com/ is where they're heading. It's like mecca for these orange douchebags.

Thatcher Pennywhistle - 2007-11-06

Their evening's agenda: Chicken Parm Hero, Drinking, Date Rape.

zatojones - 2007-11-06

Date Rape can be substituted with "drunken gay blow job that is never mentioned again ever"

1394 - 2007-11-06

*Bro rape.

Arnisador - 2008-11-12


Caminante Nocturno - 2007-11-06

This is specifically who the makers of "Girls Gone Wild" cater to.

Billy Buttsex - 2007-11-06

This totally made my day.


Adramelech - 2007-11-06

Greetings from New Jersey everybody.

Herr Matthias - 2007-11-06

I live in South Jersey. Welcome to my nightmare.

Adramelech - 2007-11-06

Me too.

If anyone is curious what the Jersey shore is like during summer, imagine 300 of these guys + novelty t-shirts.

Frank Rizzo - 2007-11-06

the last split second lets you know what he's driving

its a hyundai

Frank Rizzo - 2007-11-06


Keefu - 2007-11-07

I live in North Jersey. Welcome to my reality.

imairlax - 2008-11-22

needs "why the terrorists hate us" tag

Frank Rizzo - 2009-01-21

Hyundai with wood trim interior.

Yellow Lantern - 2009-10-09

I am so fucking happy every time this gets resubmitted.

azazel - 2009-11-12


azazel - 2009-11-12

it should be a linkable tag

sparklefatty - 2010-03-07

I just got here after watching people in Thailand scewering themselves in their faces with metal rods, and I don't know what to think.

Rosebeekee - 2013-11-06

I don't know why, but the rosary on the mirror makes this for me.

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