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Desc:We've replaced this guy's fancy meal with Folgers Bulls***. Let's see whether he notices.
Category:Classic TV Clips, Educational
Tags:penn, teller, bullshit, chateau cul, the best
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Comment count is 13
SolRo - 2007-11-11

I smell a setup.

Anyone that knows beef knows that kobe is very high fat, is no imported into america, and only a clueless idiot would eat high end beef well done.

Had they done this to food critics, and not people who are most likely bullshiting about their own food knowledge, I'd be impressed.

+1 for the "im going to strangle you later" look on the guys face at the end though.

CornOnTheCabre - 2007-11-11

what exactly are they trying to prove? how desperate some guys are to seem cultured in order to get laid?

Pandatronic - 2007-11-11

While this video is lame, smug, and condescending beyond belief, the comments are pretty great. And by pretty great I mean lame, condescending, and smug beyond belief.

Adramelech - 2007-11-11

Welcome to every episode of Bullshit ever. The intro alone is beyond arrogant. Three stars just for Penn's burning desire to explain just how goddamn right he is about everything.

Screwtape - 2007-11-11

What did they expect them to do, tell the waiter, "hey I think this might be spam, not kobe beef". As long as its not *completely* inedible, most people wouldn't say anything.

I also suspect that they were lured in with a "free meal" deal in order to participate. Who's gonna call bullshit?

gambol - 2007-11-11

Well, it seems everything has been covered already.

Angel Carver - 2007-11-11

Penn Gillette can smoke my dick.

phalsebob - 2007-11-11

They must have spent all evening cherry picking for these two rubes and a girl. I hate wine and I can tell the difference between a good wine and antifreeze soaked rotten grapes.

All the easy targets are gone and now they are digging hard.

coprolalia - 2007-11-11

I just wasn't born with enough eyes to roll for you twats.

coprolalia - 2008-04-12

After a little more consideration, even though they had a better point in this episode they did a weak job of explaining it and can't really blame anyone for not being impressed with this bit.

coprolalia - 2008-04-12

err, "I can't blame anyone..."

fluffy - 2008-03-17

When I go to a fancy restaurant I actually can tell when they've skimped on things and when they're serving me presentation over quality. I just don't go back. Only insufferable assholes try to exert their superiority by pointing out how terrible the food is to the waiter.

Change - 2011-10-11

Yeah damn those arrogant guys.

Jesus christ.

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