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Desc:It's hard to express your dismay with THE HATERS when your mom and your kid sister keep butting in.
Category:Humor, Fashion
Tags:emo, profanity, For The Haters Week, haircuts, suburban kitchen
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Comment count is 24
Hooper_X - 2007-11-07


Aelric - 2007-11-07

proof positive that we should all stop breeding.

ztc - 2007-11-07

If we can isolate the Hold The Camera Sideways gene it might lead to a cure for adolescence.

DMKA - 2007-11-07

Kill it plz.

Randroid - 2007-11-07

Kick em to da kurb, gurlfraynd.

Beyonce Knowles - 2007-11-07

Is holding the camera sideways a new, "thing"?

Camonk - 2007-11-07

Man, teenagers have it really rough nowadays, what with their mothers coming to hug them after they swear into a camera for internet nerd people.

zatojones - 2007-11-07

Why isn't this girl's mother slapping the shit out of her for saying "fuck"?

Billy Buttsex - 2007-11-07

because she doesn't know how to raise her kids

Shion - 2007-11-07

Well she also never taught her to think through the difference between a Grammy and an Oscar, or to chew with her bovine mouth closed, so I doubt there's much hope.

Billy Buttsex - 2007-11-07


Colonel Cowlung - 2007-11-07

Rupert Pupkin as a suburban teenage girl.

Random_Hajile - 2007-11-07

I was going to give this 4 stars until I saw your comment. Thanks.

Roachbud - 2007-11-07

Emo was a scourge back when it was underground, now it's unbearable. Also, haters week sucks balls.

Innocent Bystander - 2007-11-07

To be fair, the current thing known as "emo" has little to nothing to do with original emo.

This video's pretty funny but damn fuck the sideways thing is annoying.

Dinky Patterson - 2007-11-07

That was very sound advice when she told her little sister to "get away from me" and "stop following me."

x - 2007-11-07

Shut up and bake some gingerbread men, or something.

theFlu - 2007-11-07

she is for sure going to get duped into doing sideways anal one day, by a guy who looks like "Jefferson" from Married with Children

theFlu - 2007-11-07

oh my god... it turns out she's 19, btw

AgentOrange - 2007-11-07

This is every other whiny kid video on you tube, haters week sucks.

Kingofthehobos - 2007-11-07

Id hit it!!! Oh well the fbi is here... goodbye poe love you..

StanleyPain - 2007-11-07

brb, fbi

K Clobber - 2007-11-09

This has to be a joke. Why wouldn't she just re-record in her room? I can't determine the appropriate star amount.

frau_eva - 2008-06-04

Cursing aside, this is my strategy if I ever have a kid that makes shitty internet videos. Running in and ruining their supposed internet cred is an appropriate punishment for taking yourself way too seriously.

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