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Comment count is 19
Caminante Nocturno - 2007-11-09

Jesus Holy God, that music!

baleen - 2007-11-09

have you ever wanted more

FatFatuousNation - 2007-11-09

Have you ever seen the sky
So beautiful, colorful, wide and wonderful?

Have you ever felt the sunshine
So brilliantly raining down over you and me?

Xiphias - 2007-11-09

You've got to keep your mind wide open! All the possibilities! You've got to live with your lies open! Believe in what you see!

Think of all the days you've wasted, worrying, wandering, hopelessly hoping. Think of all the time ahead, don't hesitate, contemplate, no it's not too late.

gambol - 2007-11-10

Tomorrow's horizons are full of surprises; don't let them take your dreams away.

coprolalia - 2007-11-09

Love cute animals.
Hate this video.

Pandatronic - 2007-11-09


baleen - 2007-11-09

you're too negative!

Stog - 2007-11-09

Videos for people too lazy to find cat photos through Google search.

baleen - 2007-11-09

you're too negative!

Stog - 2007-11-09

You are fat and likely watch Fox News

baleen - 2007-11-10

you don't pay attention!

Stog - 2007-11-10


Triggerbaby - 2007-11-09

Beyond terrible.

baleen - 2007-11-09

you're too negative!

Crapenstein - 2007-11-10

Beyond terrible.

Gamara II - 2007-11-09

This is so absolutely awful, but captures the portal of evil spirit wonderfully.

Feyd - 2007-11-09

So somebody's a cuteoverload fan. Many of those slow zooms could seriously fuck with someone on hallucinogens.

baleen - 2007-12-07

you don't understand!

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