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Comment count is 9
SolRo - 2007-11-23

now i realy hate all the fucks that have tablet PCs

NineEleven - 2007-11-23

The car was cool...the rest seemed kind of easy

SolRo - 2007-11-23

because he used levels from the original game, that only lets you draw rectangles and lines, which don't stick....making that 2 platform one in the preview image a bit of a bitch to solve.

hopefuly he makes up some creative levels for this one, but then again, being able to draw anything might make any puzzle too simple.

Xiphias - 2007-11-23

It's easy because the whole physics game idea is still kind of new. Wait about 10 years and all the physics games will involve you drawing combustion engines and nuclear reactors.

Repomancer - 2007-11-24

Yeah, this stuff is *really not that hard*, but it just hasn't been done much. It's sho' nuff coming.

And screw those "physics accelerator" boards.

fluffy - 2015-09-08

10 years later, we have Kerbal Space Program, and... no more Repomancer.

Calamity Jon - 2007-11-23

Beautiful and brilliant, and one extra star because I would probably make all my shapes look like tits and dongs.

Cap'n Profan!ty - 2007-11-23

Very cool, but I still like Armadillo Run better.

Repomancer - 2007-11-23


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