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Comment count is 31
Roachbud - 2007-11-15

Five stars for the dumb bitches still sending him money

Frank Rizzo - 2007-11-15

seriously, christians are REALLLY fucking dumb.

the crutch throw had me lol as well as "you're squenzzin' me!"

Billy Buttsex - 2007-11-16

Sending HIM money? Hello, dipshits... the money's going to Jesus

Blaise - 2007-11-15

5 Stars for the healing power of James Randi's beard.

kingarthur - 2007-11-16

"I just look back on it and think I'm a pretty stupid person."

"She stopped sending him money only after she had no money left for food and claims to have been brainwashed by watching Popoff on television."

Just...just...these people vote. Holy fucking shit, these people are allowed to vote.

phalsebob - 2007-11-19

It's not so much that they vote, but that they have been monkey-trained to vote in blocks

Adramelech - 2007-11-16

I have attended a Popoff show and it's really an amazing thing to see. Sure he's a complete scumbag, but the ability to control a crowd and more or less induce group psychosis powerful enough to have physical effects is fantastic, even if said crowd is already predisposed to it via their faith.

StanleyPain - 2007-11-16

These people are fucking idiots, but I must admit i LOOOOVE getting these things in the mail. Oh man....the prayer cloths...the sheets of paper on which you WRITE YOUR HEARTS MOST SOLEMN WISH and then sleep on it under your bed for FULL POWER...the weird, almost Engrish quality of the included sermons and prayers.

I have a collection going on those.

Food - 2007-11-16

Please scan and post. All my junkmail is in a moon language.

William Batty - 2008-11-18

The kings of this are The Churches of Saint Matthews. One time they sent me a cheap tin cut-out of a car key and said it was their head pastor's car. Another time, a little packet of scented Vaseline marked "Foot Anointing Oil". I started sending them small amounts of money just so I could get all of their literature. The second book they send you has a biography of Colonel Sanders in the middle, sans any explanation of its relationship to the Church. There's a drawing in one of them of Jesus manifesting over a cash register.

I think this is the them, but the website doesn't even begin to express the goldmine of Christian lunacy.

Aubrey McFate - 2007-11-16

Uri Geller's also back on the air. Are discredited mystics and televangelists like old fashions or something?

(I realize that Geller being on a show for illusionists is a great insinuation, but I can still hate his douchebag face.

CornOnTheCabre - 2007-11-16

You summed it up perfectly.

I am glad I am not in the uninformed, desperate position of being a stupid or dumb bitch, and I feel superior and elitist because of it. Mostly because I buy food, not prayer cloth.

CornOnTheCabre - 2007-11-16

whoops, wrong reply. i rescind my claim of not being a stupid or dumb bitch

voodoo_pork - 2007-11-16

Honestly, it's really too easy to just judge these viewers and to call them "stupid" and "dumb bitches" and etc, when if you were in the same uninformed, desperate position, you'd be shelling out the bucks, too.

You feel superior and elitist, when you're shucking out the bucks to the same type of flim-flam man. Like McDonalds and Wal-Mart and the Gap. When you go to Blockbuster or buy a PS3 or your new pair of kakhis. How are you any better? Oh, that's right. They're stupid and you went to college.

StanleyPain - 2007-11-16

Yes because buying a video game or clothes is exactly the same thing as giving my entire savings to a man who claims that magic water and salt on checks will ensure that an invisible man in the sky will rain blessings down upon me.

eatenmyeyes - 2007-11-16

Go get cholera, freegan.

eatenmyeyes - 2007-11-16

Sorry, I said that out of anger.

kingarthur - 2007-11-16

Actually, yes. They are stupid. And I went to grad school.

waxeater - 2007-11-16

Someone's watched "Fight Club" too many times.

theFlu - 2007-11-16

I can judge these people freely, because they all have one thing in common: a weak disposition and an unquestioning mind. They are ready and willing to accept nonsense and follow the unworthy; for want of easy answers to difficult situations.

To believe that the direct route to God is via a TV con-man, and not [in the case of their faith] through prayer, greatly illustrates a sickly, naive quality -- possessed only by the truly stupid, who fail to "get" their own religion. Thus, they are [literally] paying the price.

Lastly, while I don't shop at any of the stores listed, you simply cannot equate Wal-Mart's EVERYDAY LOW PRICES with on-air salvation, or being pushed in the face.

Camonk - 2007-11-16

I like this video. I also like the comments, because everybody is pretty much proving that just because you disagree with ignorant people, it doesn't mean you are actually smart.

DopeFiend - 2007-11-19


boner - 2007-11-16

If we can't feel superior to stupid people, who the hell *can* we feel superior to?

minimalist - 2007-11-16


bang to buck ratio - 2007-11-17

Nobody is stupid guys everybody is just smart in their own way okay

Mole Wax - 2007-12-13

James Randi is SO HAWT.

Like a sexy, sexy lawn gnome.

Chalkdust - 2007-12-14

The guy in the seafoam windbreaker seems sad his pain is gone :(

Also, Tom Kenny's Satanic televangelist in the "Heaven's Chimney" episode of Mr. Show is modeled after Popoff.

themilkshark - 2007-12-22

I like this because they're stupid, and I went to college.

dementomstie - 2008-10-14

I hope that James Randi lives forever just so he can keep busting obvious fakers like this and growing his awesome beard. Soon I hope to see James Randi and see that his beard has grown larger than his head.

Keefu - 2008-12-02

Me too. I want to see him stroke it gleefully as he rains hell upon the phonies of the future.

Wombles - 2009-05-06

Oh he's good.

"Drink the magic water, and you will be blessed with riches!" Absolutely classic.

Throwing that crutch is his signature move. The "squeeze" is the backup.

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