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Comment count is 51
Meatsack Jones - 2007-11-30

"Purity seige". Also, yelling Dalsihm attacks as a blessing. Christianity sounds rad!

I want Jesus to touch me too....down there.

Stopheles - 2007-11-30

I'm all for drawing a line through the middle of America, then setting people and churches on fire!

Billy Buttsex - 2007-11-30


Screwtape - 2007-11-30

"they typify the new fearless on fire young christians used to moving out in boldness"


coprolalia - 2007-11-30

Fundamentalist Christianity is just downright schizophrenic.

rev.dinosaur - 2007-11-30


Merzbau - 2007-11-30

Holy shit the guy singing at 4:09

Meatsack Jones - 2007-11-30

4:30 Strangers with Candy?

Yellow Lantern - 2007-11-30

I really hope that ex-gay is just fucking with them.

afp3683 - 2007-11-30

God's LSD will make you hetero.

zatojones - 2007-11-30

The only person that "ex" gay is fucking with is himself. He'll be back into the cock sucking mode of operation that God originally put him in within a year.

Caminante Nocturno - 2007-11-30

He's a god damn plant.

phalsebob - 2007-11-30

Jesus sucked the Gay right out of him!

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2007-12-01

Or vice versa!

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2007-11-30

And now, here's Phylis Shlaffly with the weather...

Rudy - 2007-11-30

When I grow up I want to be a Prophetic Intercessor!

Merzbau - 2007-11-30

It's a fun job, you know, going from planet to planet, weeding out heresy against the glorious Imperium of Man, ordering the cleansing fire of Exterminatus...aah, good times.

Caminante Nocturno - 2007-11-30

At least 3/4 of the people in this clip have given or taken it up their ass.

theFlu - 2007-11-30


Quad9Damage - 2007-11-30

He's using a HIGHWAY to lead to THE Way. How inspiring! Really, after watching 11 of those "They Sold Their Souls for Rock and Roll" clips, I'm willing to believe anything.

quining - 2007-11-30

Only 11? Pussy.

Quad9Damage - 2007-11-30

Well, I had to work.

Aubrey McFate - 2007-12-01

Work for SATAN I bet

doc duodenum - 2007-11-30

Is that the highway to Hershey, Pennsylvania?

RockBolt - 2007-11-30

And that's why America's heartland is best appreciated from comfortable, reclining leather seats at 25,000 feet

IrishWhiskey - 2007-11-30

"Why not expect something crazy to happen?"

Followed by a cut to the group speaking in tongues.

theFlu - 2007-11-30

They are utilizing the astounding power of THE SECRET

Xiphias - 2007-11-30

dude I want the title of "prophetic intercessor" so bad

a HIGH way

to lead people

to THE way

phalsebob - 2007-11-30

Yes. Yes. A thousand times yes! I'm so glad to see some real old skool crazy out of Pat again. He'd been waning into the dull crazy you get off of 100 Huntley street.

Roachbud - 2007-11-30

When Robertson it's nothing compared to what goes on along the side of the highway, I thought he was talking about buggery in rest stops. Boy was I disappointed. Jesus needs to stop that.

DrVital - 2007-11-30

"It will literally sweep the face of the earth!'

Er... no, not literally.

Maggot Brain - 2007-12-01

Did he just say that they are going set people on fire?

Aubrey McFate - 2007-12-01

I've been to many Texas megachurch youth groups. This ain't out of the norm.

kingarthur - 2007-12-01

Purity Siege? On my property? In Texas? Ohhhh, Xtians, you are truly making this sooo much more fun. If you can shoot the repo man in Texas, tell me, TELL ME you can shoot these people.

Random_Hajile - 2007-12-01

Flame on, fundy Christians! Keep reaching for that rainbow!

yoyo1 - 2007-12-01

Keep breathing traffic fumes

keinsignal - 2007-12-04

So was this before or after the bridge collapse?

Mole Wax - 2007-12-29

1:25: Sweet Statutory, I'd take her out to church.

Nyms Lives! - 2008-01-11

"He said 'have you ever felt the presence of god?' I said 'no' and he said 'would you like to?'"

"Then he touched me."

charmlessman - 2008-01-11

That old lady is SO EXCITED about not having sex!!
Well shit, if that's something to get excited about, I should be hopping up and down... *sigh*

crayondisaster - 2008-02-20

Back slidden youth pastor at a gay bar. So many meanings.

Also, that ain't no holy ghost, that's citron, semen, and gay sweat.

vapor2020 - 2008-04-13

It was so big it even got coverage in the local gay paper.

ebola - 2008-07-25

That black dude talks really fast.

Is it racist of me to not find black-religiousness not as annoying as white religiousness?

I think it is. It just seems less condescending.

King of Balls - 2008-07-27

That dude's definitely still a queer.

Also, if you take strip clubs off I-35, every trucker on the eastern side of the country will quit, and that will hurt us as a nation.

William Batty - 2008-11-18

loves being right in the middle of the unsual goings-on

pathetique - 2009-03-17


god damn

five stars!

Wombles - 2009-05-06

I remember talking to a Austin cop once who said virtually all large possession arrests are made on 35. It's effectively a coke and weed pipeline from Mexico.
Or, alternatively, the "Way of holiness"

APE_GOD - 2010-01-19

How are they different from pagans?

kingofthenothing - 2010-06-01

Well, it depends on your particular brand of pagan. Some pagans are the lame "hey lets get together and light some candles and incense and say some weird shit" people with their little robes and fairy wings or whatever, and others really know how to party, though, sadly, they're kind of fading out. You just don't get the "dance nude around a fire on a full moon night and have an orgy later to feed the totem spirit" kind of people anymore.

kingofthenothing - 2010-06-01

Also, is pretending to be christian to hook up with church women "bad"?

Old_Zircon - 2010-08-11


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