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Comment count is 19
Tetsuo - 2007-12-05

I want to play this game so bad but have never gotten it to work right on XP.

bongoprophet - 2007-12-05

DOSbox runs it pretty well, also there is an XP patch somewhere I think

Bone_Vulture - 2007-12-05

If there ever was a game that deserves to be remade with modern graphics...

FABIO2 - 2007-12-05

It's Terra Nova: Strike Force Centauri!

BHWW - 2007-12-05

Though this is alright, too.

Bone_Vulture - 2007-12-06

Fine, Terra Nova too. I remember that the game included some of the most atrocious FMV clip acting I had witnessed, even as a teen. Gameplay offered unforgettable immersion, though.

Could be redone using the Quake Wars graphics engine, perhaps?

Xiphias - 2007-12-05

not exciting when taken out of context

Stog - 2007-12-05

Goddammit, this is the first game to actually make me consider buying a vintage computer to get it running properly.

I wish it worked properly on XP, oh how I wish I wish I wish.

Stog - 2007-12-05


baleen - 2007-12-05

can't I have an opinion? I'm not just one starring things for no reason you know.

SolRo - 2007-12-05

think chets statment to you summed it up best;

"Your ignorance on a subject is no reason to give single stars."

baleen - 2007-12-05

Hiding behind the sysop won't stop you from being a jackass.

SolRo - 2007-12-05

suck. on. it.

You smarmy little bitch that one stars everything you can't relate to.

baleen - 2007-12-06

Smarmy! Why I never!

SolRo - 2007-12-05

5 incase baleen comes through to fag this up with his "I get bored of things quicky" 1 staring

baleen - 2007-12-05

I think you're confusing yourself with me, considering that you've pretty much gone through my entire history of submissions and one-starred all of them without even watching them (not much anime or video game content I'm afraid).

Computer game intros and cutscenes are pretty boring for the most part. That is my opinion.

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2007-12-05

I enjoy the older ones simply for nostalgia's sake. I take it you were in diapers when System Shock was released?

baleen - 2007-12-06

I like some video game things for nostalgia's sake too.

Sometimes I'll come on here and there will be a whole page of clips that makes me think this website is being sponsored by G4, and it sucks.

Adham Nu'man - 2007-12-05

I would have thought people liked to actually PLAY videogames but hated sitting through this kind of bullshit. It turns out it's the other way round... WHO WOULD'VE THUNK IT!

L0ng L1v3 V1d30 G4m3 1ntr0s W33k!!!!111

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