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Comment count is 7
lolcoolj - 2007-12-15

Wow Fred Claus sure is an edgy guy. If it wasn't being taped i'm sure Cochrane would have hit him.

citrusmirakel - 2007-12-15

So, that was 4 minutes and 13 seconds of the television show "Dinner For Five", and at no point in that time does John Favreau say the word "Swingers".

So, +1 for that, everying else - eh.

Millard - 2007-12-15

I like Vince Vaughn a lot more when he's not in a movie. His appearance on Dennis Miller that one time was pretty funny.

TeenerTot - 2007-12-15

As annoying and pointless as The View.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2007-12-16

Well it's no Wedding Crashers.

grimcity - 2007-12-16

I'm starring Rory because he seems like good people.

charmlessman - 2007-12-16

Five stars because this clip fascinates me. I saw this when it originally broadcast, and it stuck with me. Vince was a DICK. And Rory Cochrane (aka the enigmatic Lucas from Empire Records) is a class act.

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