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Comment count is 8
garcet71283 - 2007-12-25

Great, but -1 star for the narrator. I think it is pretty self-explanitory without the jarringly bad narration trying to be funny.

Also, no stuck in a hole?

Innocent Bystander - 2007-12-25

Kinda sloppy in places and just a little too long, but fuck you one-starring sourpusses.

Gymnosophist - 2007-12-25

Demands 5 stars.

fluffy - 2007-12-26

I'm glad they didn't just use clips from The Man With One Red Shoe which was basically "Tom Hanks unknowingly becomes James Bond"

mouser - 2007-12-26

A bit long but... y'know... I think Hanks could probably pull it off. But the audience couldn't get over the Wilson factor.

davinciclone - 2007-12-27

He keeps aging and getting younger and aging and getting younger...

Merkwuerdigeliebe - 2008-08-05

Genius. I would pay to see it.

Caminante Nocturno - 2011-03-10

As long as he isn't scrunchy-faced and angsty all of the time...

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