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Comment count is 7
Radio Gnome - 2008-01-07

The weird part about this is that aside from Hitler (and only because I've seen so many clips and parodies of him around), none of the head party guy's voices sound like what I would have expected. Goebbels sounds particularly incongruous with my expectations.

zatojones - 2008-01-08

You should hear Reinhard Heydrich. For someone who could so casually sign the death sentences of millions his voice is decidedly squeaky.

FABIO - 2012-11-13

Weirdest voice revelation for me was hearing Stalin for the first time.

Holy shit did that guy sound tinny. The ultimate in mousy bureaucrat accountant, which I guess is exactly what he was.

Cap'n Profan!ty - 2008-01-07



and made weird movies about africans

theFlu - 2008-01-08

"20 years after the outbreak of the World War..."

that's slightly ominous, yet novel

baleen - 2008-01-08

Would you hitler youth please stop submitting this stupid movie. I know it's in every history class and every film class ever and all but isn't three times enough.

On a different note, I know a guy that dropped acid and went on stage while she was doing her kraut dances and tried to coordinate her energies with his sorcery but got thrown off stage by security and put in jail. OMINOUS INDEED.

Merkwuerdigeliebe - 2008-08-18

Even though the video won't work, I'm still giving it five stars. Resubmit.

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