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Comment count is 38
Binro the Heretic - 2008-01-12

Great. Now it sounds even more like the tortured wails of the damned.

athodyd - 2008-01-12

That there made me go "ee hee hee hee." Disclaimer: I am drinking plum wine.

FatFatuousNation - 2008-01-13

Plum wine? Why in the world....

Thundercougarfalconbird - 2008-01-14

3 Stars for the video, 12 for plum wine.

MurgatroidMendelbaum - 2008-01-12

Next up on Wacky Sound Effects -
Alvin the Chipmunk suffers a traumatic amputation!

anvill - 2008-01-12

I like where this cuts out. Feels like I'm watching the origin of zombie rage from 28 Days Later.

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-01-13


theFlu - 2008-01-13

This is currently the lowest a cat video can go. It's so retarded that and unAWESOME that it rivals getting even CanSARS. In fact, it's so beyond retarded that it's catarded; and so are all of you for actually liking this mass of digital garbage.

When will any of you unAWESOME fags understand the path to AWESOME rests in two trails, set upon the same virtuous path: the AWESOME way of gun; the AWESOME way of Star-spangled bikini.


Caminante Nocturno - 2008-01-13

Cry some more.

B. Weed - 2008-01-13

I like the way the thin ropes of snot dangle from your nose, tenuously attached to your scraggly, zit-spangled molestache.

Xenocide - 2008-01-13

Keep in mind that the lowest cat video in exsistance is still superior to all other videos.

Fyren - 2008-01-13

So, I heard you didn't like this video.

Cap'n Profan!ty - 2008-01-13



bakune young - 2008-01-13


theFlu - 2008-01-13

Be-it a cat is the only mammal with (weak) collapsible bones, capable of being folded in half and inserted into your unnatural uterus's for 9 months / its 9 lives -- or simply the fact that your giant bitch nipples are constantly lactating, and you've come to accept and love the mass of cats lapping at your spillage, you are all still 100% wrong in your convictions!!

The problem with you heathen sodomite-responders rests primarily in your limp liberal ethics: you imply that cats are somehow better than guns, when in fact proven "rock. paper. scissors" knowledge stipulates that guns > cats... ANYTIME.
I have a friend that shoots wild cats on his farm. He can attest to the above being 100% true - thus making each of you either liars of the worst degree, or just plain ignorant.

Stog - 2008-01-13

Unless those girls are tied up and gagged, then you can eat ten thousand dicks.


Corman's Inferno - 2008-01-13

You are boring and will die alone, theFlu.

Xenocide - 2008-01-13

At this rate, Flu will have written an accidental thesis on this video in a day or two.

kingarthur - 2008-01-13

The Flu is Demonius X. I have discovered it.

Wonko the Sane - 2008-01-13

I'm curious, theFlu, is all this cat hate because some chicks with ammo movie of yours died in the hopper? If so, GROW THE FUCK UP.

Derrida - 2008-01-13

Voted 5 for TheFlu meltdown.

andru strange - 2008-01-13

i'm sorry, but you guys are all really, really gay. why the obsession with cats?

Syd Midnight - 2008-01-13

We've been driven mad by theFlu.

glasseye - 2008-01-13

Voted five because cats are a billion times more awesome than guns.

And TheFlu hilarious meltdown.

andru strange - 2008-01-13

oh-kay, but is this really the right forum, dude? you can find cute kitties anywhere.

Gwago - 2008-01-14

"Cute kitties"? I agree that the whole cute cat videos thing around here is a little wierd, but jesus man that thing is probably the opposite of cute.

Triggerbaby - 2008-01-13

I've taken your important opinions into account and updated the entry accordingly.

Xenocide - 2008-01-13

Now if you ever need a "baby tossed in a deep-fat fryer" sound effect, you know where to get it.

hentaiwolf - 2008-01-13

Just to piss off theFlu

theFlu - 2008-01-13

furfags also piss me off...

andru strange - 2008-01-13

if this shit was being posted to piss someone off, it might be funny but 90% of poetv is genuinely into cute, faggy clips of kitties and small animals... and retarded anime.

RockBolt - 2008-01-13

This hits even more of a nerve after about 4 hours of SH2. Gonna have some sweet dreams tonight.

Also, "burger & fries" tag will link it with the original

Triggerbaby - 2008-01-14

Thanks, Rockbolt. Tag fixed.

rroach - 2008-01-13

It needs a catarded tag, too.

Smellvin - 2008-01-13

Fived for tags.

Innocent Bystander - 2008-01-13

Maybe the kitty is upset because some idiot named him Burger & Fries. I mean, damn.

Jefka - 2008-01-13

+5 for the tags.

Billie_J_Buttfuck - 2008-01-17

I was going to skip voting for this, just because it didn't strike my fance, but 5 stars, just to spite theFlu.

Please vote lowly, more often - your low votes show me what's worth watching.

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