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Comment count is 13
Azraelazitgetz - 2008-01-13

Would be cute if it wasn't for the creepies in the background.

NineEleven - 2008-01-13

the dog gets him some as well

TinManic - 2008-01-13

-2 for people who don't speak right.

theFlu - 2008-01-13

noble horse
unknown mustang:
galloper of wind
puller of stars - of night chariots
whinnied at first light

Binro the Heretic - 2008-01-13

-3 stars for animal neglect. That poor horse is in bad shape. It's either malnourished or suffering from disease. I hope this video catches the attention of the local animal welfare authorities.

andru strange - 2008-01-13


guacamole - 2008-01-13

Binro, check the YouTube comments - the horse is a rescue; the people are rehabbing it. Millions of stars to them for loving their critters; 4 stars to the video because it's cute but kind of boring.

Binro the Heretic - 2008-01-13

My bad.

Anyway, to make up for it, a little story:

When I was a kid, we lived down the road from a farming family who had a few horses. One of their mares liked to kill and eat small animals. Once, she got a stray cat.

The grandfather claimed she behaved this way because the family wouldn't let him knock out the horse's "wolf teeth", the tiny little residual canines all horses have.

minimalist - 2008-01-13

yeah that story of a horse killing and eating a kitty cat totally made up for it


theFlu - 2008-01-13

Binro's absolutely right - or maybe the old man he mentions is... whichever:

on my buddies farm, they would never remove "wolf teeth," choosing to feed a steady diet of animal by-products to their best horses: parts from pigs, ducks, chickens, cows, and even a recently deceased mare once, to their "champion horse."

This way, the "champion," and its subordinates, would become stronger, and more aggressive; which greatly aided rodeo performance, and also breeding. Grotesque as it may be, "ravenous" and the "cannibal" horses (especially) would copulate up to 60% more each year and showed vastly improved vigor, compared to straw eaters.

baleen - 2008-01-14

I want a horse. :(

Bone_Vulture - 2008-01-14

Additional two stars for anyone who actually identifies the language. My guesses are across the board.

tamago - 2008-01-14

I never thought I'd give a video with a cat less than five stars, but this is pretty dull. One star for each animal that appears in this video.

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