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Comment count is 31
Aelric - 2008-01-28

such a good movie, and the next minute after this just cements plainveiw's evil.

RockBolt - 2008-01-28

Plainview's Slant Drilling Co.

Merzbau - 2008-01-28

...okay, this just got bumped waaay up my "must see" list.

Stog - 2008-01-28

Another in the ongoing series of "I have a crush on Daniel Day-Lewis".

snothouse - 2008-01-28

I would like to warn SPOILER on this. But how unstoppable is Lewis to turn this roles final moments into evil Jimmy Stewart?

Aelric - 2008-01-28

it's not a spoiler until you name it as one

snothouse - 2008-01-28

You just blew my mind.

Millard - 2008-01-28

Patton Oswalt's already doing a bit where Daniel Plainview's voice does My Humps.

kingarthur - 2008-03-23

Okay. Filing that under "Must look for in the future".

ChocFullOfFunk - 2008-01-28

Holy shit! Holy shit holy shit!

Sean Robinson - 2008-01-28

The voice is also a fantastic counterpoint to all the other Huston references in the look and plot of the film.

13.5 - 2008-01-28


ZawBanjito - 2008-01-28


kiint - 2008-01-28

private bowling alley = 5 stars

Senator_Unger - 2008-01-28

Instead of "There Will Be Blood" they should have just called the movie "Texas" because, hey, just another day there.

Jeff Fries - 2008-02-01

Harry Knowles, you are a fat fuck

Valkor - 2008-02-04

This took place in California.

rastarat - 2008-01-28

Watch out for those bowling pins...

robotkarateman - 2008-01-28

I found this movie incredibly boring - it's about him raising his business, and that's it. But, as this clip proves, it's a shining example of what a really talented actor like Daniel Day Lewis can do with even the weakest script. All that Oscar talk is for him, not the movie, and it's well deserved.

Bootymarch - 2013-07-20

Get the fuck outta here

robotkarateman - 2013-07-25

Original comment - January, 2008
Followup reply - July, 2013

5 years is a long time to hold on to butthurt.

Aubrey McFate - 2008-01-29

No words.

Cheese - 2008-01-29

I think Daniel Day Lewis might have started his career in working for the Ministry of Silly Walks.

Keefu - 2008-02-13

I think supposed to be his leg coming back to bother him in his age after being broken at the start of the movie.

ashtar. - 2008-03-24


(sorry, someone had to)

Merkwuerdigeliebe - 2008-07-10

The bowling pin.

GravidWithHate - 2008-07-27

Daniel Day Lewis thought his performance as Bill The Butcher in Gangs of New York was "too understated" and this is the result.

oogaBooga - 2008-09-16

-5 stars for this godawful film (and i'm into artsy story pieces)

+5 stars for daniel day lewis being one evil bastard without even trying

Bootymarch - 2013-07-21

Get the fuck outta here

GiantAtomicFreak - 2008-09-28

I can't in good conscience give this film less than 5 stars but a pox on all the arseholes (and SNL) who just quote this scene over and over because they think it's wacky.

They're almost as bad as the people who make "lol swearing" Deadwood compilations on YouTube.

Jeff Fries - 2008-10-30

This was posted right when the meme originally hit, so be proud of your PoeTV for that

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