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Comment count is 23
klingerbgoode - 2008-01-28

that is you, isn't it

gotterdamm - 2008-01-28

Kthor isn't fooling anyone. We know his terrible secret.

kthorjensen - 2008-01-28

I wouldn't live anyplace with carpeting.

zatojones - 2008-01-28

Dollars to donuts that was part of the kid's coming out.

Testicles of Doom - 2008-01-28

"Mom, Dad... I have something I'd like you to see..."

baleen - 2008-01-28

That was fabulous.

snothouse - 2008-01-28

Syncing your movements to the song is so ten years ago.

Monchiles Monchiles - 2008-01-28

Minus one billion stars because it's not kthor dancing.

Hodge - 2008-01-28

Plus one billion stars because it's not kthor dancing.

His other video somehow manages to be even queerer then this one.

Lindner - 2008-01-29

Is this the intro to that gay porn we keep hearing about?

TeenerTot - 2008-01-28

He makes Elaine Benes look like a good dancer.

(Thank you, Mike.)

ProfessorChaos - 2008-01-28

At least he kept his clothes on.

Sean Robinson - 2008-01-28

What's gay about that?

Enjoy - 2008-01-28

Gay as in 'happy' not homosexual.

mouser - 2008-01-28

You mean happy fag?

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-01-28

That kind of sums up what you'd get out of that show pretty well, actually.

uekibachi - 2008-01-28

i'm glad to see the nanny tag doesn't go anywhere

SecretJunk - 2008-01-28

this kid on E will save the world

sparklefatty - 2008-01-28

This kid is actually pretty good.

themilkshark - 2008-01-29

the fucking nanny song.

Jeff Fries - 2008-01-29

He's not gay, he's just got a tushy and he wants to share it

RockBolt - 2008-01-29

He videotaped himself doing this and then posted it online of his own free will


positively - 2008-01-29

The best part of it is that he has an mp3 of the Nanny theme song.

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