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Comment count is 12
dr_mr_vandertramps - 2008-02-10


IrishWhiskey - 2008-02-10

It may be filler, but its funny filller

Millard - 2008-02-10

Can't wait for those writers to get back on the job.

RomancingTrain - 2008-02-10


baleen - 2008-02-10

yeah basically it's just been Univision in english for the past few months.

Hooker - 2008-02-10

Thank God. I didn't want to be the first to one star this, but it was pretty terrible.

IrishWhiskey - 2008-02-10

Eh, just having Conan, Colbert, and Stewart in a room together is enough for three stars from me. The dancing at the end earns the rest.

positively - 2008-02-10

Holy fuck it's that guy from that show on a different show

coprolalia - 2008-02-10

Maybe it was funnier when it was surprising?

Baldr - 2008-02-11

It could have been better, but the ice skate stomping was brilliant.

Ow Switch - 2008-02-11

yeah, it's White People Week on POETV.

FABIO2 - 2008-02-11


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