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Comment count is 7
crote - 2008-02-10

When I was a kid, there was some commercial for one of those Hits of the 80s CD collections that was constantly on Nickelodeon or whatever it was I watched. The commercial showed a clip form this song and immediately after showed a Soft Cell clip.

Consequently, whenever I hear or think about the chorus of this song, in my head it goes

Don't turn around
Oh woah ohhhhhhh
Der Kommissar's in town
Oh woah ohhhhhhhhhhh tainted love

The transition is perfect. It's actually sort of great.

Merzbau - 2008-02-10

I know exactly which commercial you're talking about, sadly enough. Also had "I Melt With You" and "She Drives Me Crazy," right?

Chalkdust - 2008-02-10

I, too, know which commercial you're talking about, and I experience that same thing. Also, Wall of Voodoo's "Mexican Radio" was in the collection, which makes me think "woah ohhhhh" was a very common musical motif in the 80's.

Merzbau - 2008-02-10

Oh yeah, Wall of Voodoo! Now I'm going to have to scour Youtube in the vain hope that someone ripped that damn commercial...

crote - 2008-02-11

We are definitely remembering the same commercial. Mexican Radio had completely left my consciousness until now. Thank/damn you both.

Discordia - 2008-02-11

One of the counselors at the christian camp I used to go to as a kid played drums for this band.

Oktay - 2015-12-05

Pillager, your hard work is always appreciated.

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