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Comment count is 18
The Great Hippo - 2008-02-14

You know, sometimes when I'm feeling full of myself, I put the cat in my lap and tap his paws on the keyboard, like he's typing. And he'll start to purr. And I'll just think:

"This is me. This is what I do. I type things on the internet. And then I purr."

Nothing at all to do with the video; just thought I'd share. You're welcome!

4 stars because that cat obviously takes a lot of shit.

Frank Rizzo - 2008-02-14

5 stars for this reply.

revdrew - 2008-02-15

My cat wouldn't put up with that crap, all tearing into the soft flesh of my hand.

Spike Jonez - 2008-02-15

5 stars because I do that too. :D

Burnov - 2008-02-14

Indeed, in fact you can distinctly hear him grumbling "stooopppiiiiit!" in catspeak.

Sean Robinson - 2008-02-14

This adds nothing to what we know or care about. This is of no value. We must shed it so that we may run.

RockBolt - 2008-02-14

Quuuuit it

fluffy - 2008-02-15





glasseye - 2008-02-15


coprolalia - 2008-02-15

Nooooooooooooooot in the mood!

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-02-15

There's a kitty cat.

A Jumping Spider! - 2008-02-15

But he's no Burger and Fries. :(

andru strange - 2008-02-15

i tell ya... i think it coulda used more cat.

klingerbgoode - 2008-02-15

beat it bub, you bother me

Squeamish - 2008-02-15

Eh. It's ... it's a cat being bothered by some dipshit. And the cat is just saying "fuck off, man..." in cat-speak.

So no. No five stars for you.

TeenerTot - 2008-02-15

How does this boring cat get thru the hopper and my submission of Mo Money Vice does not?

Seriously...someone please explain how this works.

kingarthur - 2008-02-16

Cats get through the hopper because they're cats. Cats are cool.

TeenerTot - 2008-02-16


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