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Comment count is 19
Caminante Nocturno - 2008-02-26

That's weird, because they sure as Hell don't feel like that.

andru strange - 2008-02-26

mine do.

Hooker - 2008-02-26

This has made my whole day.

Gamara II - 2008-02-26

For once one of the youtube comments was insightful. The air is black, which means it's colder, which means it's probably from a compressed air canister. :( I want to believe though!

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2008-02-26

Maybe it was a wet fart.

FISTFULLofSOUL - 2008-02-26

This could be the mystery black gas from the iphone will it blend episode.

fermun - 2008-02-26

Don't breathe this!

zatojones - 2008-02-26

Fake or that's one cold fart.

FABIO2 - 2008-02-26

I'm going with fake and probably compressed air can. Not only is too cold, it comes out and dissipates way too fast. It takes most farts a good 15-30 seconds to spread out and start stinking.

Today I discussed the science of farts on the internet instead of working. PRODUCTIVITY

garcet71283 - 2008-02-26

Actually, I think some infrared reverse the color with dark being hot.

TheQuakeSoldier - 2008-02-26

Damn, if that's the case--- this guy's skin is ice-cold!! Call in the zombie squad!

MK_Ultra - 2008-02-26

Imagine how refreshing a good fart would be on a hot summer's day!

Albuquerque Halsey - 2008-02-26

Someone around here must have access to an infrared camera. You know what to do.

TheQuakeSoldier - 2008-02-26

They'll need to do it in the freezing cold, and chances are it will not have nearly as much volume and will dissipate quickly.

baleen - 2008-02-27

Dark is not hot in this clip, it is cold. The man's fingertips are dark, his arms are white.

Because the gas is a deeper black than everything else I'm going to call fake and say he is holding a nitrous cannister or aerosol can in his left hand.

Hooker - 2008-02-27

And yet, still hilarious.

BornAgainCannibal - 2008-02-27

Short and sweet tag pls k thnx.

erratic - 2008-02-27

A nice fake. I've tried this and absolutely nothing was visible onscreen. Breath doesn't show up on infrared, so why would a fart?

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2008-06-13

Hey, I still got a laugh.

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