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Comment count is 29
bakune young - 2008-02-27


gambol - 2008-02-27

I'm going to have to remember that.

Innocent Bystander - 2008-02-27

"I can't believe you've done this!"

Aubrey McFate - 2008-02-27

That was brief.

baleen - 2008-02-27

Yeah the penis is there in plain view so.... But amazing how a penis exposed can destroy a guy's power trip. Symbolism and stuff.

grimcity - 2008-02-27

If this was real, then this was the best vid I'll have seen today.

Cheese - 2008-02-27

What's he going on about? Why is he so intent on kneeing that chick in the face?

zatojones - 2008-02-27

Seems kind of staged but yeah

elm axo - 2008-02-27

And thats how I met your mother

phalsebob - 2008-02-27

Any pantsing is worth 4

RockBolt - 2008-02-27

That other guy is so intent, it is like he backslapped him with a glove and challenged him to a duel

Mike Tyson?! - 2008-02-27


Cause you know how I keep my video camera recording at all times in the subway, you know, just in case.

RandomFerret - 2008-02-27

You are an idiot living at least eleven years ago.
These days, people have amazing little devices called cellular, or mobile, phones. Many of them have devices in them called cameras, and they can do wondrous things.

fatatty - 2008-02-27

Also when there is an imminent fight happening, made obvious by angry dude walking quickly and yelling those phones are quickly turned on and towards said angry man. And then not just the train but the whole world can laugh at this dickhead...and his dick.

+4 for best anti-asshole tactic ever +1 for quick camera work

charmlessman - 2008-02-27

That has to be the best response to bullying ever.
They should start using that as a matter of foreign policy. The whole Iraq War could have been avoided of Condi Rice had just gone over there and yoinked Saddam's PJs down to his ankles.

Jeff Fries - 2008-02-28


Severian - 2008-02-27

Most malappropriate misuse of 'looses' ever.

Lauritz Melchior - 2008-02-27

5 stars for Severian's comment!

Severian - 2008-02-29

The bulb: it's full of stars!

http://www.europarl.europa.eu/eplive/expert/photo/20070227PHT0 3670/pict_20070227PHT03670.jpg

Blackbetta - 2008-02-28

Goofus screams and kicks people in eastern European subways. Gallant politely pulls down their pants.

King of Balls - 2008-03-31

German, I think. He says "Vas?".

Also, I know this is gay, but I gotta mention how cool jacket on the pants-er is.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2008-02-28

Oh, how the mighty have fallen. Or at least their drawers have...

Billie_Joe_Buttfuck - 2008-02-28

I've gotta try this some day.

Big Beef Burritos Supreme - 2008-02-28

Is that your dingle?

A Jumping Spider! - 2008-02-29

It does seem a little too well acted, but five stars for giving everyone who sees it a horrible, wonderful idea.

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-03-01

This is a risk you come to accept when you freeball.

ashtar. - 2008-03-18

Pantsing is how disputes are settled in the far away land of Neckbeard.

vapor2020 - 2008-04-14

Five stars for putting that guy in his place.

Simian Pride - 2009-05-27

Simply wonderful!

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