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Comment count is 24
jangbones - 2008-03-01

I would like to introduce Ulillillia to a typical fourth grader.

RandomFerret - 2008-03-04

True story: When I was in grade three I independently discovered parallax scrolling. Except it was completely by accident, and I couldn't figure out what was making the bouncing look so 3d. I never managed to duplicate it.

Baldr - 2008-03-01

If computers existed when Isaac Newton was alive, he would have done this and nothing else.

fatatty - 2008-03-03

Quick, someone take all the aspies' computers and start throwing apples at them. We'll have a unified field theory in no time. If not all we'll get is super advanced parallax scrolling and Bubsy 3D tips and tricks.

Syd Midnight - 2008-03-01

+ stars just because it's Ulillillia, but I am honestly impressed.

Someone on PoE News posited a question of what you'd want with you if you were stranded on the moon and had to majestically bounce and leap your way back to a lander. I'll be Ulillillia could help.

Hodge - 2008-03-01

4 stars for being a poe classic.

voodoo_pork - 2008-03-01

He must have some awesome inside joke about "7 pixels."

Valvados - 2008-03-01

On the upside, I know how to pronounce his name now.

Udderdude - 2008-03-01

As a programmer myself, I have a general idea how I'd make something like this work. I'm sure his way of doing it would turn my brain into a pretzel, though. If only we had the code to go along with it.

themilkshark - 2008-03-02

"WOW! So fast!"

kingarthur - 2008-03-02

This, so I'm told (and having not been outside in a very long time), is very realistic.

Also, what sort of game is he trying to make exactly?

Billings - 2008-03-02

He is trying to make a game in which it is possible to run fast and jump high.

drcrypt - 2008-03-02

Seriously. If you watch his Bubsy 3D walkthrough video, it becomes very clear that he is absolutely obsessed with height in games. It seems like this game is all about being able to jump to the moon. I must be as autistic as Ulillillia, because I actually think that sounds like a pretty fun game... for a couple minutes, anyway.

FABIO2 - 2008-03-02

Or the Ultima video where he names a character "High" because he likes high places =)

cognitivedissonance - 2008-03-02

Is it just me or do those hills look very... er... nippley?

Doctor Arcane - 2008-03-02

Nice parallax.

AdamOfEden - 2008-03-02

i want him to create a game with vector graphics.

AdamOfEden - 2008-03-02

also, 5

FABIO2 - 2008-03-02

Why does Yahtzee have to shatter the illusion with a personal appearance but I have yet to see the majesty that is Ullillililialiealia.

fluffy - 2008-03-02

Yahtzee looks exactly as I expected him to look, which is (oddly enough) pretty much how he conveys himself. Go figure.

You do not want to see Ulillillia. He is not a very pretty person.

Udderdude - 2008-03-02

He has a picture of himself on his site.

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2008-03-02


dancingshadow - 2008-03-03

Ulillillia's ultimate game with source:


Mister Yuck - 2008-11-19

I want to hug this man forever and I don't know why.

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