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Comment count is 22
RockBolt - 2008-03-04

Don't sneeze

Adramelech - 2008-03-04

These are the things that mutate and become RPG bosses.

ebola - 2008-04-08

5 Starring your comment.

voodoo_pork - 2008-08-05

Use Omnislash. That should do it.

NoCode - 2008-03-05

So that's what it's called.

I once found one of these crazy-ass things in the grass outside a grocery store, next to where my car was parked. It scared the hell out of me at first, and I knew it wasn't part of the normal fauna of the Pacific Northwest. I figured it must have hitched a ride on some produce from somewhere or other. I wanted to stick it in a jar or something and take it to somebody who'd know what the holy hell it was, but I was running late for an important appointment.

Many a day has my mind returned to that gigantic, evil-looking caterpillar, and I have pondered its spiky, huge mystery. Sigh.

baleen - 2008-03-05

Looks like it is the larva of the Royal Walnut Moth and can be found naturally across the entire country. The moth is pretty but relatively boring looking when compared to the caterpillar. It is also totally harmless.

Also look!


I mean look at this!


It hurts people!

Camonk - 2008-03-05

There must be something liberating in being so stupid that you'd hold one of those things.

petep - 2008-09-26

it's not dangerous in any way

Jeriko-1 - 2008-03-05

Aww, Baby Lavos is cute!

Lauritz Melchior - 2008-03-05


Aelric - 2008-03-05

but the world refused to change!

afp3683 - 2008-03-05

So they don't taste good, is what you're telling me?

Keefu - 2008-03-05

So I looked this thing up and apparently, the terrifying and demonic spikes that cover this thing are pretty harmless and are non-poisonous. Its mostly a (very effective) get up to intimidate predators. That being said, I would never touch one of these guys ever ever ever ever ever ever ever. EVER.

Also, eventually, these horrors cocoon themselves and turn into Regal Moths.

oregano - 2008-03-05

Regal moths have to be some of the most amazing moths I've seen in the wild.

Old_Zircon - 2008-03-07

I know some caterpillars cause a nasty rash if you touch them, which is reason enough to leave them alone, even though they're pretty cute.

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-03-05

I'm almost certain that whoever took this video did not read up on this animal to make sure it was okay to touch.

NineEleven - 2008-03-05

Sounds like it's moving a lot faster than it really is

Albuquerque Halsey - 2008-03-05

Fuck you all to hell. I think it's cute.

bac - 2008-03-05


Big Beef Burritos Supreme - 2008-03-05

It came from space!

Ow Switch - 2008-03-05

Had to open with a roar, dinnit?

dancingshadow - 2008-03-05


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