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Comment count is 42
snothouse - 2008-03-10

THAT SET. Are they on TBN?

kingarthur - 2008-03-10

I bet she produces some of the most disturbing and creepy sex noises in the world.

snothouse - 2008-03-10


HURF BLURF DUH - 2008-03-10

Just for ONE SECOND I imagined having her do the voice while doing it with her. I didn't get.. excited.. or anything, but God help me if I wasn't just a little intrigued. I have to go shoot myself now.

Anti-Pope - 2008-03-10

Oh god... Well I'm hard now.

Gwago - 2008-03-10

You hijacked my comment.

Brautwurst_Barbarian - 2008-03-11

Her face frightens me though.

She'd have to wear a Pikachu mask.

garcet71283 - 2008-03-11

If she did the voice.

I'd do her.

Monchiles Monchiles - 2008-03-15

Ditto. If she did the voice.

keinsignal - 2008-08-08

Glad to know I wasn't the only person to have that thought.

Maybe "glad" is not the right word.

Spike Jonez - 2008-10-25

I'd hit that 'til she electroshocks me.

kingofthenothing - 2008-11-15

Awesome. Now we just need video of the local anti-celebrity we have that dresses like Pikachu all the time. Here's a hint: she's a freak.

Charles - 2009-12-08

YOU ARE ALL FREAKS. Her face even looks like Pikachu's. I do not, nor will I ever, have the desire to fuck Pikachu. 5 stars anyway.

TypicalEllisProtagonist - 2008-03-10

My God, I've always known that that voice had to come out of a real person, but seeing it... I don't know why it shakes me so.

fluffy - 2008-03-10

You never realize just how inhuman its noises are until you hear it coming from an actual human.

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-03-10

Next time you watch Pokemon, imagine her in place of...

... What? What do you mean you don't watch Pokemon?!


Vicious - 2008-03-10

I wonder how many people gave this a plus vote for your sake.

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-03-10

FUN FACT: "Pikapi" is how Pikachu says "Satoshi", which is Ash's name in the original Japanese version.

So, in answer to your question... I don't know.

EvilHomer - 2008-03-10

Screw Pikachu. What I want to know is whether Jessie ever gets attacked by tentacles in the Japanese version.

robotkarateman - 2008-06-17

No, but James does.

SARS - 2008-03-10

oh man, her "voice acting" shot aural bullets into my ears...

Roachbud - 2008-03-10

damn, now I kinda wanna fuck Pickachu

Screwtape - 2008-03-10

Japanese variety shows are filled to the brim with ugly, ugly people.

Frank Rizzo - 2008-03-10

all of japan wants to rape her with cheese tentacles.


boner - 2008-03-10

Men have the same reaction to Lisa Simpson's voice actress, either revulsion or weird arousal.

Adramelech - 2008-03-10

Really hoping the guy in front is Snorlax.

NineEleven - 2008-03-10

*polite applause*

Frank Rizzo - 2008-03-10

I honestly cant tell the difference between her "voice acting" and the typical high pitched japan girly-girl voice.

Xenocide - 2008-03-10

She probably gets paid more than almost anyone else in the voice acting game, and all she does is say one word over and over. I bet at industry parties she's the one who stands awkwardly in the corner of the room while everyone stares daggers at her.

Princess v2.1 - 2008-03-10


Ranma X. - 2008-03-10

I've always held the belief that Voice Actresses who have high pitched voices like that were merely putting on an affectation for the character.

I can't believe that's her real voice. Petite Japanese woman or not, that can't be for real... right?

Adramelech - 2008-03-10

I know a couple people with voices like that. It's definitely one of those things some people are just born to do. What else could you picture this woman doing with a voice like that? Maria Bamford notwithstanding.

petep - 2008-03-10

i want to hear the angry "CHUUUUUUUUU" version

urworstnightmare - 2012-06-25

the same here ... but still awesome

baleen - 2008-03-11

more dupe

Hodge - 2008-03-11


tamago - 2008-03-11

I'm just going to five this and move on.

voodoo_pork - 2008-03-11

I have kicked this voice's ass so much in Smash Bros, I need a new thumb.

ProfessorChaos - 2008-03-11

I can't stop watching this, for some reason.

Frank Rizzo - 2008-03-11

you're whats wrong with america

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2008-04-10

You know that old cliche, "if looks could kill?"

Apply this to voices, and whatever the opposite of killing is.

retrocious - 2008-04-13


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