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Comment count is 19
Jeff Fries - 2008-03-23

Needs a "sweded" tag, as does the entire Indian film industry.

Aelric - 2008-03-23

are these the same folks who made the shot-per-shot oldboy ripoff?

SolRo - 2008-03-23

So indian women still aren't good enough to be included in cardboard strewn ripoffs of action movies?

Mike Tyson?! - 2008-03-23

It just looks like a parody. Did they have a VHS bootleg on set to watch so they know what to copy?

Michael Houser - 2008-03-23

Infinite points for that Keanu doppleganger (or his stunt double) doing what appears to be an ACTUAL, not string assisted cartwheel. It makes the scene beautiful.
(how do you spell 'Keanu' again?)

Zoot42 - 2008-03-23

Holy shit you are right, that's a real off-the-wall cartwheel.

gambol - 2008-03-23

I'm not so sure. He looses his footing and then there's a quick edit.

Mike Tyson?! - 2008-03-23

No he does not, you oaf.

Killer Joe - 2008-03-23

Nah, in the the original shot, that guy ate it. It must have been glorious.

kiint - 2008-03-23

five stars for the giant cutlass knife-thing in his jacket

Udderdude - 2008-03-23

Somewhere, someone paid money to see this.

Syd Midnight - 2008-03-23

I'd pay if I could drink booze while watching it on a big screen. Hell yeah.

Brautwurst_Barbarian - 2008-03-23

four stars +1 when I realized that some of the "commandos" were wearing biker/paintball helmets.

FABIO2 - 2008-03-23

The low production values make it seem like the porn version of a popular movie.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2008-03-23

I picture this as an Indian immigrant's fantasies about what America is like, right before stepping on shore for the first time.

Lurchi - 2008-03-23

Actually this was released 2 years before the Matrix.

klingerbgoode - 2008-03-23

"Awara Paagal Deewana (English: Wayward, Crazy and Insane) is a 2002 Bollywood action comedy directed by Vikram Bhatt. The film is a remake of the American film The Whole Nine Yards. "


tamago - 2008-05-10

Five stars fore pure, unadulterated WTF right there.

zatojones - 2008-03-23

"See, they can't sue us because we don't have a Trinity character, so ours is different. It's the perfect crime!"

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