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Comment count is 9
Aelric - 2008-03-24

bonus stars for fritz lang style M

glasseye - 2008-03-24


grimcity - 2008-03-24

My wife and I don't want children, but if we ever changed our minds, that book would be something that our non existent kid would be have, enjoy, and be forced to pass down to their kids that also don't exist.

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-03-24

How enchanting.

MyNameIsUnimportant - 2008-03-24

Another trite book with a predictable plot and an end you see coming from miles away. "Z"? NEVER WOULDA GUESSED IT!

Konversekid - 2008-03-24

It's almost as if this story was directed at easily tricked children.

Severian - 2008-03-24

The double V didn't show well, but not worth deducting a star.

Camonk - 2008-03-24

Deducting a star for turning the book all around like a feeb, even when we could see the letter just fine jesus keep the book still you queermo!

Blaise - 2008-03-25

-2 stars for forgetting the the letter 3.

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