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Comment count is 29
Aelric - 2008-03-24

this makes me wish i were a video editor.

also: fake as fake

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2008-03-24

I considered this, but there are a lot of skits on youtube of people emulating this show and if it's fake, he did a really good job of rehearsing.

Adramelech - 2008-03-24

Well he does have a profile and a full account on the site, so it's a pretty elaborate fake if so. It's more likely he's just being funny; "a lot of times people don't know I'm joking when I say things".

Aelric - 2008-03-24

such as making a dating profile as a joke. that's what i meant. i have a feeling this guy doesn't have too much trouble in the real world.

drcrypt - 2008-03-24

Really? I do. Clearly, he's being ironic. Just as clearly, he's not funny once you know he's not saying these things sincerely.

baleen - 2008-03-24

Drcrypt, is there something you want to share with the class?

drcrypt - 2008-03-24

Sure. Thus guys' fake, and once you know (or even suspect) he's fake, he's no longer funny. The ostensible sincerity is all there is to his humor. What else were you expecting for an admission here?

wtf japan - 2008-03-25

I find it harder to believe that an actor went to the length of getting intricate fake tattoos only to mention them in passing during their "skit," than to believe this is really just some sad fuck who has a really inaccurate self-image. I say not fake. Proof is in the tats.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2008-03-24

He seems pretty funny. If only his head wasn't so freaking huge.

baleen - 2008-03-24

Five more stars more for looking at the man in the mirror.

theSnake - 2008-03-24

Holy shit, one of my friends looks EXACTLY like this guy. I thought it was him in the preview image, fucking eerie.

Big Muddy - 2008-03-24

I think he looks like Mark Cuban. Seems to act like him too.

Jefka - 2008-03-24

"So...uh... yeah... three levels of derrier."

Severian - 2008-03-24

Has its moments.

"I think it's really hot when girls put on striped jump suits and get shot out of a cannon."

RomancingTrain - 2008-03-25

Elaborate and specific fetishes are the funniest thing, . . . when they're fake.

waxeater - 2008-03-24

Look - I know this guy. Pretty much everyone in Philly knows this guy. He is - fortunately or unfortunately - not faking it. This is how he talks, acts, thinks, etc. Obviously he's trying (very hard) to be funny, but this is legit.


Rodents of Unusual Size - 2008-03-24

Oh my god, thank you!!

theSnake - 2008-03-24

Ooooh hes straight edge!

NoCode - 2008-03-25

It's a late Easter present from Jesus!

Twitch - 2008-03-24

Either way it's pretty stupid.

Also, yeah, next time remember to turn off the Big Head code before you make a video.

SARS - 2008-03-24

I can't tell if this guy is "real" or not. I know people like him: unfunny smugfags who typically charm a handful of modest-looking girls, who cling to him and feed his already skewed ego. I hate his tattoos.

Spoonybard - 2008-03-24

I have a tattoo on my butt. Of a butt. With a butt tattooed on it.

Mostly Pi - 2008-03-24

ih, his myspace took him from meh too uuuuugh. A fucking vegan edge rockstar wannabee who thinks he's clever... don't see many of them hanging around hardcore shows, do ya?

is it just me or does veganism for guys like this seem like a tactical maneuver, no matter how hard they try to defend it as a ethical or moral imperative? I'm sure he looks in the mirror every day and can clearly see he was born to be chunky and is trying his damnedest to keep from sliding too far over into the dumpy side, even if it means living on a steady diet of bean sprouts and the attention of scene drones. I've never, in my life, known a vegan who didn't start out as a child fat as hell, focused on getting the acceptance of a group and didn't end up in some sort of fucking scene with a stupid beard and a inflated sense of self worth barely concealing the little butterball still covered in tears of rage and crumbs somewhere deep in their psyche... but maybe that's just a midwest american thing, I dunno.

Give in. You're an endomorph; have a burger and stop trying so hard.

TheOtherCapnS - 2008-03-25


Aelric - 2008-03-25

welcome to my favorite people list, mostly pi!

baleen - 2008-03-25

Yeah alright. There are many beards who are vegan and your post was very scene penetrative. However, I knew a girl named Monica and she was Vegan. She was fucking amazing. She didn't have any baggage at all, except the BAGGAGE IN MY PANTS that I got. From her.
Just being around.

So... who knows... some people can't handle dairy.

baleen - 2008-03-25

and I meant frontal baggage not poops.

NoCode - 2008-03-25

Aptly describes my ex-boyfriend who is a vegan. I'd have to agree with you.

CornOnTheCabre - 2009-04-24

yeah, p. boring.

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