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Comment count is 11
mouser - 2008-03-30

"Not very nice that whole affair".

Shit. Way to downplay the issue.

Smellvin - 2008-03-30

Over the course of the war, Yugoslavian partisans killed off about a division of German troops. Basically, when the over-praised French resistance (which didn't really do all that much of anything until the Normandy landings) is compared to them, the Frenchies don't look so hot.

baleen - 2008-03-30

Yes, and the Palestinians helped with that extermination, which is a big reason why they lost their country. Not that they deserve what they're getting, but it helped radicalize the Zionists into very brutal people indeed, when their used to be quite a diversity of mostly pacifistic opinions within that movement.
Weird to think that over a century of bloodshed and conflict is somehow directly connected to such a tiny, seemingly powerless country like Yugoslavia.


"Al-Husayni was involved in the organization and recruitment of Bosnian Muslims into several divisions of the Waffen SS and other units. The largest was the 13th "Handschar" division of 21,065 men, which conducted operations against Communist partisans in the Balkans from February 1944[49] and participated in the genocide of Yugoslav Jews."

OldScratch - 2008-03-31

No. The Mufti of Jerusalem recruited Bosnian Muslims for the Waffen SS. Connecting this to the loss of Palestine is a real stretch. Palestine was lost because of the systematic, massive illegal immigration of Zionists to Palestine; the subsequent organisation of European funded, Zionist factions, such as the Stern Gang, whose goal was the violent expulsion of the British from Palestine and the terrorising of the Palestinians, in order to control the protectorate; and, finally, the systematic ethnic cleansing of Palestine during the 'War of Independence'. None of these things occured as a result of the Mufti shaking hands with Mussolini, or recruiting for the Ustashe allies.

baleen - 2008-03-31


OldScratch - 2008-03-31

No. Seriously. I don't mean to offend, but this is well documented. And, sadly, largely ignored in the USA. Even well educated Americans say things like, 'Well, it's really complicated over there. The Arabs and Jews have been fighting for so long...' Or, 'Well, I'm sure the Palestinians did something to deserve it...' But this is actually a 20th-century problem with roots in the systematic invasion of Palestine. The Aliyah immigrations exceeded massively the limits of 10,000 per year set by the British. And Zionist militias very early began bombing and killing in an attempt to destabilize the place. Imagine if suddenly 40,000 Russians a year were moving illegally into the neighborhoods around Kansas City, setting up armed camps, and attacking gov't and civilian targets. This is what happened in Palestine. There are SIXTY-fucking-FIVE UN resolutions against Israel in the past 55 years. Israel has been in constant breach of int'l law during this time, which mandates the Palestinians have a right of return and restitution of their property. The ONLY two countries who consistenly veto these resolutions in the UN are Israel and the US. Anyway, the historical record is pretty clear, but somehow gets lost in North America.

Merkwuerdigeliebe - 2008-08-16


kelpfoot - 2008-03-30

It's true, you really do get used to it.

wtf japan - 2008-03-31

5 for Nazi cruelty in Technicolor. Black and white makes everything seem so morose.

Senator_Unger - 2008-03-31

It's really mind-blowing to realize that your parents or grandparents lived through that era. If they're still around, go give them a hug.

Merkwuerdigeliebe - 2008-08-16

They probably deserved it.

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