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Comment count is 39
gambol - 2008-04-05

I watched it without sound. It might be the best thing I've ever seen.

Repomancer - 2008-04-05

It's better with.

longwinded - 2008-04-05

much better with.

SARS - 2008-04-05

jesus I hate fat people. theyre so fucking useless AT EVERYTHING

Stog - 2008-04-05

How low do you have to be to steal Frank Rizzo's schtick? Please answer ASAP.

Adham Nu'man - 2008-04-05

Pigs always know when they are being taken to the slaughterhouse, that is why they start squealing.

mouser - 2008-04-05

Oh man that's bad. You're a bad person Nu'man! You get 5 stars.

jesustweak - 2008-04-12

I will think of this comment everytime I am stuck on a plane or other enclosed space with a butter monster.

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-04-05

Those two were making sounds I didn't think a human being could make.

baleen - 2008-04-05

I mean, I'm hoping she just never exerted herself in her life and she's not a fucking asthmatic. I'm really hoping that.

manfred - 2008-04-05

So that's what fat sounds like.

Smellvin - 2008-04-05

Walking 100 meters up a mild incline? TIME FOR A HEART ATTACK

TheDevilsDictionary - 2008-04-05

This woman must stay at the same elevation for the rest of her life. It is her cross to bear.

TeenerTot - 2008-04-05

When I started the clip, I thought you were all meanie weenie hatefuls. "She's not THAT fat," I thought. POETV is just being mean.
Then the drama started. And I SO wanted to be there on that hill, so I could shove her down it.

Blaise - 2008-04-05

Its asthma. -1 star for the lack of context.

zatojones - 2008-04-05

I'm sure her asthma has nothing to do with her fat

jangbones - 2008-04-10

It is obviously ear mites.

phalsebob - 2008-04-14

Oh bull. I've had bad asthma in the past, and screaming is not even possible. If she can squeal like that she's having a drama attack not an asthma attack.

Syd Midnight - 2008-04-17

What's that thing doctors and EMTs say? "If they can scream, their airway is clear."

TinManic - 2008-04-05

yeah, the weeziness of the squeals makes me think asthma too.

Syd Midnight - 2008-04-17

It made me thing of someone getting so hysterical they make themselves puke.

Dinky Patterson - 2008-04-05

I didn't see her using an asthma inhaler at any time.

I think she's just a wimp who didn't wanna walk up a hill because there was no chocolate reward at the top.

Shion - 2008-04-06

Seconded. She has discovered that faking an attack gains her attention she otherwise would never rate.

Gwago - 2009-01-28

Or maybe a hill just raped her as a child.

Menudo con queso - 2008-04-05

I thought all Germans were fitness fascists who jog up and down the Alps twice a day. What the fuck happened to the master race?

wtf japan - 2008-04-05

The real question here is: how did she live in Deutschland her whole life and never encounter a hill?

RomancingTrain - 2008-04-05

One word:

wtf japan - 2008-04-05

I think you mean Fettroller.

Camonk - 2008-04-05

That lady in black, the not-fat one, was kinda hot. Until I realized she was German, and that under that fashionable black jacket was enough hair to carpet my house.

klingerbgoode - 2009-01-22


Senator_Unger - 2008-04-05

Do we really want skinny Germans who are able to march over the mountains to conquer Europe?

Syd Midnight - 2008-04-17

Indeed. When the Germans are fat and soft, Europe is safer in general. Except from the the barbarian hordes to the East.

revdrew - 2008-04-05

Fat people have no shame.

theSnake - 2008-04-05


Unsung - 2008-04-13

Needs to be heard in slo-mo.

Magical Man from Happy-Land - 2008-07-04


Cleaner82 - 2008-08-29

So, so fat in body and mind.

soci-o-path - 2008-10-12

This didn't give me as many lolz as "Skateboard Fatty" or "Roller Coaster Fatty".

imairlax - 2009-03-15

oh fat people, just die already.

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