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Comment count is 16
Sudan no1 - 2008-04-06

apparently sausage rolls go great with "fruity ketchup"

Killer Joe - 2008-04-06

Them's weren't sausage. Them's were hot dogs.

Hakujinjoe - 2008-04-06

in japan, a sausage is basically a hot dog. There is no distinction. i have tried this ridiculous pizza and it's good but you feel like someone stole the crust of your pizza and left in it's place a different kind of appetizer altogether.

Scynne - 2008-04-06

Why is there a distinction in the rest of the world? This has been a very thought-provoking clip.

Camonk - 2008-04-06

It's not just Japan; it's all of SE Asia. Or at least China and Korea, too. This is especially true in Korea, which is like Japan Jr. It even has fat people.

Jefka - 2008-04-06

"Wow, these Americans sure eat crap!"

Mike Tyson?! - 2008-04-06

Only 646 calories per slice!!

http://gizmodo.com/gadgets/fat/japans-pizza-hut-double-roll-is -ultimate-geek-food-646-calories-per-slice-283014.php

Senator_Unger - 2008-04-06

It's always beautiful when your children grow up to be just like you

Hodge - 2008-04-06

I would eat it.

Big Beef Burritos Supreme - 2008-04-06

In Japan, nothing is as it seems

theSnake - 2008-04-06

How in the HELL did this come out in Japan but not in America? WE are the Fat Kings of planet earth you crazy nips!

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-04-06

God, not only are they eating fatter food than we are, but they're not getting fat while doing so!

How humiliating!

Maggot Brain - 2008-04-07


creambot - 2008-04-09

Oh America, exporting obesity and diabetes to every corner of the globe, you cheeky devil!

klingerbgoode - 2008-04-09


baleen - 2008-04-12

We've never done anything that bad to japanese food. why oh why. and why is it pizza has to take all the punches across the entire world.

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