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Comment count is 33
longwinded - 2008-04-06

never before and never again will I issue a 5 star rating on the preload image alone

asian hick - 2008-04-06

why do i have a flashback to watching jerry springer bumpers?

kiint - 2008-04-06

three seconds the later the treadmill collapsed to a quantum singularity point and became a black hole

BHWW - 2008-04-06



voodoo_pork - 2008-04-06


kelpfoot - 2008-09-05

How can you say such things? I will cherish this image. Long have I wondered what frolicking walruses look like, but never again!

Diogenes - 2008-04-06

What did people do for entertainment before youtube?

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-04-06

who put a ham on a treadmill? it is a mystery!

lustygoat - 2008-04-06

Too fat, did not watch.

sosage - 2008-04-06

She's so huge that her anatomy is twisted and distorted into something non-human. I mean...where does her thigh attach to the torso?!?!? I think her poor skeleton is literally folded and collapsed somewhere in there.

SARS - 2008-04-06

the only time it's not cool to laugh at a fat person is when they're attempting exercise. Because man, they're trying. That said, these 4-stars are for arousal

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2008-04-06

The Slurm queen lives!

StanleyPain - 2008-04-06

That is indeed a large woman. The headline does not spread untruths.
Isn't this the same woman who's in, like, dozens of these weird super-fat fetish vids on YouTube? (the kind that there was OMG DRAMA over about a year ago when YT couldn't decide if they were technically porn since people fap to them, but yet they're not really explicit)

Repomancer - 2008-04-06


ChocFullOfFunk - 2008-04-06

I mean, we all know it, but I think someone needs to point out explicitly that someone, somewhere, has masturbated to this.

craptacular - 2008-04-06

frankly, i'm surprised she can actually do that without taking a breather. i mean, Homer can't run 3 steps without stopping for a break.

uekibachi - 2008-04-06

i like how you say "big fat"
like there are "small fat" ladies out there or something.

SARS - 2008-04-06

there are.

fucking batman - 2008-04-06


Pillager - 2008-04-06

I'd harpoon it.

Aernaroth2 - 2008-04-06

The jiggling is hypnotic, like a lava lamp.

Camonk - 2008-04-06

Ow! My faith in humanity! I need a cup for that thing, thanks to YouTube.

Pie Boy - 2008-04-09

But will it take off?!

Vicious - 2008-04-17

Will it blend?!

retrocious - 2008-04-13

4 stars for the "BBW Romance" banner ad I got on this page

sparklefatty - 2008-09-12

Mine said, "Sichuan Earthquake Relief."

Cleaner82 - 2008-05-21

Wh-- why did it stop?!

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2008-07-07


oogaBooga - 2008-07-12

For a fattie she has very little ass-cellulite. Maybe she got to her desired state of fatness and then worked on tightening up.

atheistgirl - 2008-11-27

Oh my.

IloveHughLaurie - 2009-03-01

WHY Do they even make bikinis in that size?!

duck&cover - 2009-10-23

The top was made for the front of a car, I think.

Nominal - 2017-01-22

It's a tent with holes cut out.

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