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Comment count is 19
Frank Rizzo - 2008-04-06

I guess her ass is imune to laser beams, but her head is not.

Rovin - 2008-04-06

It's hard to tell in the clip, but the robot actually shoots a Playboy bunny logo on the ass of her underwear. We can assume the power of the bunny protected her.

BHWW - 2008-04-06

Talk about losing one's HEAD in a stressful situation.

Frank Rizzo - 2008-04-06


Frank Rizzo - 2008-04-06

ohshit, sorry!

GuyCorngood - 2008-04-06

Goddamnit, frank rizzo

Senator_Unger - 2008-04-07

That's no way to get a HEAD in life.

Also, damn it, Frank, you broke the internets

Camonk - 2008-04-07

Haven't enough people done this that everyone should know not to, by now?

Get killed by robots, I mean.

1394 - 2008-11-26

Looks like she won't be attending the hat convention this fall.


Chinballs - 2009-07-04

This movie really HEADS in the right direction!

Mike Tyson?! - 2008-04-06


Cinnamon Imperialist - 2008-04-06

This pretty much defines short and sweet, despite the lack of proper tags

Jeff Fries - 2008-04-07

1. shut but
2. shut hed

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-04-07

Why did you stop running?

Never mind, I don't want to sound like I'm complaining that you did.

Rovin - 2008-04-07

I was hoping the scene where the film's real heroine decides to pull her shirt over her head and just sorta... hop... through a plate glass window would be lurking out there in YouTube land. Haven't found it yet, though.

King of Balls - 2008-04-07

Jeez, Frank, this place is a mess!

Lothar - 2008-05-07

She should've stopped while she was a head.

Old_Zircon - 2009-02-25

This whole movie is one long finest scene.

Bozo - 2009-05-27

movies with puns in the title are always good

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