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Comment count is 12
Gianni - 2008-04-10

I know one thing that will NOT make you angry

I'd like to thinks she spent the entire interview tiptoeing around his volatile rage as if he were bruce banner.

Smellvin - 2008-04-10

"I just LOVE it when the plebs laud me and sing to my glory!"

Billy Buttsex - 2008-04-10


dancingshadow - 2008-04-10

He's sooo old.

baleen - 2008-04-10

I am still absolutely convinced that this is a brilliant anti-viral video released by some college kids for Obama.

Entirely convinced.

baleen - 2008-04-10

Not the Fox News clip but the McCain girls.

Senator_Unger - 2008-04-10

That's what I thought at first too but my friend made the very good point that the McCain Girls is exactly what it looks like when Republicans try to "connect" with a young demographic. It's unspeakably awkward, off-key and tries to distract from the fact he'll keep said children in Iraq for a century.

SenilePlacebo - 2008-04-10

"I think that this is the new technology and the new life we lead in politics and a lot of it is very entertaining."

Hoooo weeee, I wonder if he is aware of what he just said.

"Its raining McCain"? That is a little ambiguous. Especially if they mean pieces of him. Or maybe they meant "reigning".

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2008-04-10

I prefer to think of it as pieces, but that's because my mind is still stuck on that damn poll about what food would you like it to rain...

Also, good for him for remaining awake for interviews.

charmlessman - 2008-04-10

Ugh, even in clip format those... uh, "girls" make me want to scrub my eyes out with a wire brush.

manfred - 2008-04-10

He's a confused old man. You can see the look of utter bewilderment in his eyes.

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-04-10

It's really interesting to watch the Baby Boomers coping with becoming old and the world becoming unfamiliar.

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