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Comment count is 9
baleen - 2008-04-13

what a prick. I don't think the people working their asses off in that office really appreciated that segment.

go fuck yourself you cheap fuck. 90 grand is nothing, which means most of those people in that room aren't even being paid. cheap cunts.

*cries from 30 Rock PTSD*

Jeff Fries - 2008-04-13

TVGoHome was a work of genius, he can slap nuns around and I will assume they were asking for it.

Syd Midnight - 2008-04-14

Definitely PTSD. He's very tongue in cheek, but it says a lot that his "asshole star" act causes flashbacks in shellshocked veterans. This must be very accurate.

Idiopathic - 2008-04-13


citrusmirakel - 2008-04-13

Go watch the full episodes on YouTube. They're quite good.

dr_rock - 2008-04-13

Barry Shitpeas.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2008-04-13

I, for one, look forward to the new fall schedule for bumvision.

The McK - 2008-04-14

Disappointed the "rucksack full of dented bells" tag didn't make it.

Syd Midnight - 2008-04-14

I love Charlie Brooker. Watching a show in which someone watches shows and complains how bad they are has long since lost its irony.

I appreciate his eloquent British profanity, even if I've never seen most of the shows he sneers at. Like how Yahtzee is entertaining even if you haven't played the game.

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