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Comment count is 21
Cinnamon Imperialist - 2008-04-13

I can't believe I never realized how much Beaker looks like Rick Astley.

joffe b - 2008-04-13

Beaker will always get 5 stars.

Pangalin - 2008-04-13

Needs pitchshifting to work properly

dementomstie - 2008-04-13

I know that this just needs to die, I agree but this is the best Rick Roll I've seen yet. It's a little TOO well done.

Hodge - 2008-04-13

One of the better Rick Rolls by a longshot.

+1 because someone is going to down vote this just because its a rick roll.

fluffy - 2008-04-13

Muppets make everything better.

VoilaIntruder - 2008-04-13


Jimmy The Headless Frog Boy - 2008-04-13

I submitted this under the title " Hilarious Muppets Bloopers" and it died in the hopper.

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2008-04-14

I feel your pain. Why bother having the damn thing in the first place?

Herr Matthias - 2008-04-13

Rickrolls are gay enough, but Beaker cancels out the gay of Rick Astley very effectively.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2008-04-14

the Muppet Show sucked, so five stars for making it bearable.

Cap'n Profan!ty - 2008-04-14

You suck, so five stars for you sucking.

citrusmirakel - 2008-04-14

MUHA HA HA! I hate muppets and love RickRolling! I am contrarian and therefore so very interesting!

Seriously though, I was disappointed when Beaker didn't just squeak, ala Danny Boy.

KnowFuture - 2008-04-14

+5 for Muppets

Xenocide - 2008-04-14

It's terrifying how good this is. It works beautifully.

It's probably the awesomeness-producing power of Muppets.

SARS - 2008-04-14

yeah man, especially when the guy with the sax cuts in, nearly perfectly every time

kingarthur - 2008-04-14

Minus a star for not finding some footage of Beaker doing something that would come close to that Rick Astley dance move/shimmy thing.

tamago - 2008-04-14

One star for an actual creative RickRoll. Four more stars for Muppets.

baleen - 2008-04-15

aww but the original is so nice.

plaid_knight - 2008-05-29


Pie Boy - 2008-07-31

Where the fuck is Dr. Teeth?

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