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Comment count is 12
baleen - 2008-04-15

babby parits eat a lto
dont give them food twise

fluffy - 2008-04-15

how is babby parrit formed

craptacular - 2008-04-15

look at the grey parrot's wings, in the right cage. those are some fucking cramped conditions for those birds - if this is a pet shop it should get shut down immediately

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-04-15

Those cages are the only thing standing between those parrots and Ear Mite Hell, you insensitive bastard.

rustedmutt - 2008-04-15

I'm sure they're fine...just looks like a temporary weaning cage. They're not fully feathered yet, and are still doing the 'feed me, seymour!' headbobs.

Zoot42 - 2008-04-15

Yeah, you are actually supposed to feed them in those. Weird shit can go down if you feed them the wrong way.

dead_cat - 2011-09-25

It doesn't bother the birds. Most parrots are cavity-nesters anyway, and in the wild would be growing up in very cramped conditions. Containers also make it easier to keep them warm.

SARS - 2008-04-15

are they making parrot Foie gras??

dead_cat - 2008-04-15

Hand-feeding, to ensure tameness.

andru strange - 2008-04-15

3 stars for the description.

Albuquerque Halsey - 2008-04-15


Menudo con queso - 2008-04-16

Latex gloves? I wouldn't go within ten feet of those flesh-rippers without welding gloves and chain mail.

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