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Desc:Supposedly a statement about robots and hazardous environments and homeless people.
Tags:Robot, hobo, robohobo, these boots were made for walking
Submitted:B. Weed
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Comment count is 19
baleen - 2008-04-17

why stop and watch the burning robot legs? who cares? people are weird.

Albuquerque Halsey - 2008-04-17

Graduate school. . .They're dead inside already.

Randroid - 2008-04-17

I think one guy stopped at the end. He's probably the creator, though.

phalsebob - 2008-07-16

I can't believe people just walked past this. I would have stopped to watch flaming pants pushing a cart all lunch.... and I'm from Toronto and we can ignore a naked Tom Cruise in a mind control helmet taking a dump on the sidewalk.

Wtf people?

AgentOrange - 2008-04-17


glasseye - 2008-04-17

Robohobo... GO!

Severian - 2008-04-17

The 5th star is for Nancy Sinatra.

SolRo - 2008-04-17

5 stars for bored engineers, way more entertaining than thinking up some stupid poem.

baleen - 2008-04-17

Graduate school is either robots or poems. You're right.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2008-04-17

I picture the top half of robohobo showering sparks and a bunch of stoner college students trying to light up next to him while he begs for loose bolts.

zatojones - 2008-04-17

-1 star because the robot doesn't say "Me so horny!" at the end

TeenerTot - 2008-04-17

4 sstars for reminding me of Rockit.

fetuschrist - 2008-04-17

would have been 5 if it was the crispin glover version

andru strange - 2008-04-17

would this be rated as highly as it is if the song was 'she's got legs'?

rustedmutt - 2008-04-17

The walk is disturbingly lifelike.

athodyd - 2008-04-18

I like to believe he's powered by burning garbage and Everclear.

Big Muddy - 2008-04-19

I always wondered what happened to this guy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kdDNQeoWOkU

Nithing - 2009-01-24

Finally the other half of that bum always at my stop. I'm still not giving him any money.

Bort - 2009-05-11

Well that's a relief; I was worried it was going to be a Carlos Mencia character.

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