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Comment count is 16
AgentOrange - 2008-04-17

What kind of shitty fucking tags and categorization is this? Other than that, good stuff, no cats present.

chairsforcheap - 2008-04-17

isn't this a dupe?

AgentOrange - 2008-04-17

I don't think so. These venture style videos are pretty new, and I haven't seen this one before. Of course, with these tags, who could tell?

SolRo - 2008-04-17


AgentOrange - 2008-04-17

Ah crap.

rustedmutt - 2008-04-17

Enjoyed the 'toon... hoping it will get some better tags.

gotterdamm - 2008-04-17

I'm not positive, but I think this might have something to do with it.

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-04-17

Nerd humor tends to get boring real quick.

Honest Abe - 2008-04-17


Rodents of Unusual Size - 2008-04-17

5 stars for crushing IRONY

Aubrey McFate - 2008-04-17

No person should have this many zippers, I don't care what fantasy it is.

RandomFerret - 2008-04-17

SUCH a dupe. The first one hasn't even been on here a month, what were you thinking?

Hooker - 2008-04-17

Someone should ban him.

Jeff Fries - 2008-04-17

Hey this a dupe

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2008-04-19

If I haven't seen it, it's new to me!


What is this series?

FABIO2 - 2008-04-28

Pandering nerd humor ruins everything.

LAZY pandering nerd humor is even worse.

Was that the same Venture Bros. henchman guy doing the voice, or did they not even bother to try to come up with a different one?

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