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Comment count is 9
Explodotron - 2008-04-21

Sigh, back when MB had licensing deals with GW and boardgames were made that I actually wanted to play.

Nominal - 2022-04-15

Weird reading this now, because at around 2008 is when the board game renaissance began. It's when the hobby finally started breaking away from the stale "classics" and grognard wargames to produce stuff with some depth that people would actually want to play.

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-04-21

Nobody ever yelled stuff like that when they played these games!

Cube - 2008-04-21

That's what's in one of the parallel universes? All things considered we still got one of the better ones.

ztc - 2008-04-21

Rubber Genestealers ftw

garcet71283 - 2008-04-22

Man, in the 80s, everything was cool.

DrVital - 2008-04-22

Unfortunately all the children in this ad were ultimately purged by the Inquisitors due to the taint that chaos had left upon them.

Brautwurst_Barbarian - 2008-04-22

"Plasma Gun!"


Stupid Lisa Garbage Face - 2008-04-22


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