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Comment count is 27
Caminante Nocturno - 2008-04-20

Your rail system is no match for my PSYCHIC BLAST!

Udderdude - 2008-04-20


baleen - 2008-04-20

New ways to die!

RockBolt - 2008-04-20


Frank Rizzo - 2008-04-20


thats the only thing I remember from that class.

kelpfoot - 2008-09-11

And it is completely applicable.

Big Beef Burritos Supreme - 2008-04-20

When your bones get weak enough, air pressure will do this to you too. Or just take a deep breath and step outside the submarine.

BHWW - 2008-04-20


Mad Struggle - 2008-04-20

Every day my psychic powers grow.

Alternate title: Why Magneto got fired.

petep - 2008-04-20

is that limp bizkit?

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2008-04-20


Stupid Lisa Garbage Face - 2008-04-21

very cool, but obviously done on purpose and not an accident. very cool nonetheless

Pangalin - 2008-04-21

The very sight of that tank offends me!

mysterycar - 2008-05-25

When Magneto gets angry, things begin to happen!

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2008-06-12

To me, nothing is impossible! I can do anything! And if you still don't believe me...!

kiint - 2008-04-21

Five stars for syncing it all up to an Alan Parsons Project song

Jeff Fries - 2008-04-21

Don Herbert, RIP

Feyd - 2008-04-21

okay I give. somebody explain what they did to make this happen at 1 atmosphere.

Billy the Poet - 2008-04-21

Shipping vacuum from the mines in Bavaria.

RockBolt - 2008-04-21

Inside the tank was superheated air, and the tank was left sealed as it cooled to ambient air temperature. As pressure * volume = temperature * gas constant, a constant volume and substantially lower temp = proportionally lower pressure. That pressure inside gets low enough that atmospheric pressure outside is enough of a differential to crush anything like a beer can

Spastic Avenger - 2008-05-16

I think its also because the tank is designed to have pressure acting outwardly and not inwardly.


Jefka - 2008-07-09

You can see a hose attached, so I'm not sure it's just Joule-Thompson effect cooling.

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2008-05-24


Gwago - 2008-06-12

I don't know where this is, but we need cool community events like this in my neighbourhood.

dementomstie - 2008-08-12

This would be the best 3rd grade field trip ever.

bopeton - 2009-05-07

Fuckin' awesome. I'd probably "forget" to vent them on a regular basis.

The Mothership - 2019-03-19

Pressure, yo.

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