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Comment count is 9
zatojones - 2008-05-07

How did I know that Noam Chomsky was going to be in this even before I started watching?

futurebot - 2008-05-07

Because he's a prominent and outspoken critic of Israel?

zatojones - 2008-05-07

I'm starting to think he's the Dr. Zahi Hawass of anti-Israeli politics. You don't get to make a video about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict without first getting his OK and allowing him to appear in the film wearing his hat

CuteLucca - 2008-05-07

Israel has been violating human rights for decades. Hopefully this movie will help to spur positive change.

Mordant - 2008-05-07

Ha Ha Ha Ha

Chancho - 2008-05-07

Why are the Jews so mean to the Arabs? Islam is a religion of peace that is making the world a better place.

eatenmyeyes - 2008-05-07

Protip: Being a Zionist precludes being Jewish.

Cleaner82 - 2008-05-07

Your implication is as naive as your statement, Chancho.

King of Balls - 2008-05-07


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