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Comment count is 13
Triggerbaby - 2008-05-07

Fun Trivia: before leaving earth, the Dinosaucers took the rings back from the teens and returned them to Captain Planet.

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-05-07

This show was never on, no matter how much I wanted to see it. My first year of college, I discovered that the USA Network was running this show in the morning, and I skipped my morning class for its entire run watching this in a fit of nostalgic spite.

anvill - 2008-05-07

Genghis Rex isn't nearly asian enough.

KnowFuture - 2008-05-07


Now I have to rethink my whole position on The Furry Question.


I just....just....WANT to hate furries.

But I CAN'T hate dinosaurs.


futurebot - 2008-05-07

Maybe you could be conflicted about your prospects as a dinosaur furry somewhere else

kingarthur - 2008-05-07

I remember this show. I remember the Archeopteryx chick and the Icthyosaur dude were in a relationship. I remember that hard rock hurt the Dinosaucers ears, but soft rock wasvery pleasant for them. This show was evil.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2008-05-07

just what

Maggot Brain - 2008-05-07

You're not really that normal when you already wear matching jackets.

Xenocide - 2008-05-07

Genghis Rex: feared ruiner of group photos.

Myrmidon - 2008-05-11

I loved this show so goddamn much as a kid.

Lurchi - 2008-09-03

My brother watched this.

poorwill - 2012-02-20

Dinosaucers ... only their uncle knows.

themilkshark - 2012-10-22

Great show, I never missed it as a kid. A million times cooler than He-Man and G.I. Joe.

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