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And please consider not blocking ads here. They help pay for the server. Pennies at a time. Literally.

Comment count is 4
jim - 2006-05-27

this advert makes me think 'aw'

Alex - 2006-05-27

no-one has ever driven a cabrio that fast around a corner and survived

Stopheles - 2006-05-28

Nicely done, but I wonder if Nick Drake would commit suicide again over his song being in a VW ad.

The Mothership - 2014-05-29

I remember this ad, and it summed up pretty well my youth identity around 1997-1999, when was about when this ad came out. I liked to hang out with friends and drink and party like most college-aged kids around that time, but the dude-bro / frat parties were not my scene, and that is precisely what the ad is focused towards, that very identity that rejected the 'WOOOOOOO!!!!!' bros who would just go for a drive and then go back to somebody's house and smoke out and have a 4-way.

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