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Comment count is 5
StanleyPain - 2008-05-14

-2 for not saying "BEEG AMIERICAN TEETEES!!"

baleen - 2008-05-14

You knew it before Roman, and it sucks. The WGA and SAG are actually campaigning really hard to get these people more than 0 checks for fucking making the game as much as anybody else. The voice actors maybe don't do that much compared to the writers but they deserve to make a little more than the per diem shit wage they get.

Expect nasty Hollywood strikes on the issue within a few years.

Mike Tyson?! - 2008-05-14

He only got paid 0?

baleen - 2008-05-14

It wouldn't surprise me.

chumbucket - 2008-05-14

5 for the nosebleed

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