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Comment count is 21
Random - 2008-05-22

Zappa vs. Gallagher

Maggot Brain - 2008-05-22

Oh crap, that really is Gallagher. Who would of thought that he would out live Zappa.

fluffy - 2008-05-22

It's funny how the only one who is still well-known today is also the least funny.

I'm sure someone could have made him laugh by cracking jokes about the RIAA though.

Cap'n Profan!ty - 2008-05-22

What do you mean? Frank Zappa is still well-known. And it's not the RIAA that would make him laugh; it would be jokes about Tipper Gore.

Camonk - 2008-05-22

The better man definitely won.

fluffy - 2009-06-29

I bet if you asked random people on the street, many more would have heard of Gallagher than Zappa.

Hooper_X - 2008-05-22

The only thing that made me laugh was how fucking stone cold Zappa was during the entire thing. THAT'S funny.

The Mothership - 2012-01-17


HURF BLURF DUH - 2008-05-22

Come on, you know the only way they could make Zappa laugh would be to say things they couldn't put on television. Zappa is the Kobayashi Maru of "Make Me Laugh" contestants.

minimalist - 2008-05-22

Comedy Central did bring this show back, about 8 years ago. It was even less funny, if you can believe it. Complete bargain-basement starving comedians. I remain firmly convinced that the comedians on that show were paid with a sandwich and coke. (If they made the contestant laugh, they threw in a bag of chips.)

Rafiki - 2008-05-22

Yeah, I was gonna also mention CC brought this back for a short time and it was awful. You could literally see the comedians dying inside when they could never make anyone laugh. Pained expressions of embrassment and failure trying to hide behind forced smiles.

chumbucket - 2008-05-22

I vow to practice everyday until I master the Zappa face

Mike Tyson?! - 2008-05-22

Having that mustache is like cheating, I can see him smirking.

SharoKham - 2008-05-22

Zappa forever

citrusmirakel - 2008-05-22

So, KnowFuture, WHY do you want them do bring this show back?

KnowFuture - 2008-05-22

I'd like to see Make Me Laugh, the .98 Beauty Show and the Gong Show completely replace American Idol and shows of its ilk.
More populism and opportunities to see freaks on TV, basically.

Sean Robinson - 2008-05-22

That lady seems completely unsettled by Frank's reticence. Not even the fabulous prizes seem to assuage her unsettled mind.

RandomFerret - 2008-10-07

What you have to remember is that humour was different in the seventies. Did you hear that audience? There were people CRYING with laughter. They threw their best comedians at Zappa.

For that woman, watching a man stare down two full minutes of prop comedy was an unnatural and disturbing thing, like watching a sparrow stalk and kill a horse.

Bort - 2014-07-20

That analogy made me laugh.

fatatty - 2008-05-22

I'd be more impressed if they were actually funny. But Zappa deserves at least 4 stars.

thebaronsdoctor - 2009-04-21

Those guys weren't even trying.

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