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Comment count is 18
dementomstie - 2008-05-27

I love his reason for having children, that alone gets five stars. Also, the plan on how to have children is pretty much gold.

chumbucket - 2008-05-27

the appearance of a 20 lb class ring, "Abilene" and "can't keep your f'ing mouth shut" make this one for the next time capsule we shoot into deep space

Rafiki - 2008-05-27

If anyone finds a way to prove this is fake and posts it, I will DESTROY YOU. This is my Santa Claus. Just let me believe.

Camonk - 2008-05-27

I've proven it is in fact REAL! I used science!

I hope things worked out between these two crazy kids.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2008-05-27

I completely concur. This was sublime.

mystery_bouffe - 2008-05-28

Take the red pill, Rafiki.


Repomancer - 2008-05-28

Y'know . . .
Look at the next YouTube thumbnail along the bottom when this one finishes. It's the same thing from a guy named Harold, and it's obviously fake. Like, painfully obviously fake. Just sayin'.

yogarfield - 2011-07-19

i'm a video editor who works primarily with doctors, and "you can clip it together to where i don't sound dumb" is paraphrase of what i hear on the daily. so even if it is fake, it is real.

Dinkin Flicka - 2008-05-27

I can only surmise, especially from the end, that this man deserves to be alone for the rest of his life.

Repomancer - 2008-05-28

Food and beer, Janice. FOOD AND BEER.

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-05-28

This camera is Janice! It has the best boobs ever!

dancingshadow - 2008-05-28

Fool, this is how you make Janice laugh:


Chet - 2008-05-28

5 stars for your memory alone sir.

Jeff Fries - 2008-05-28

Excellent fake

citrusmirakel - 2008-05-28


baleen - 2008-05-28

Funny, but completely fake (his other video date videos are terrible).
The real dating videos are a lot funnier.

charmlessman - 2008-05-28

"You can clip it together to where I don't sound dumb?"

No amount of clipping, my friend, none.

Also, fake, but funny.

Chizmurder - 2008-05-28

I fucking love this guy.

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