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Comment count is 16
sshrugg - 2008-06-07

This game seemed much less insane at the time

futurebot - 2008-06-07

I'm pretty sure we were supposed to spend those five minutes being wowed by the music.

Wait, that wasn't five minutes?

UnderANeonHalo - 2008-06-07

5 stars for making this an interactive experience for me.

first I was yelling "go old man go, you can do it!"

Then I was all like "DUDE! don't eat that old wizard cookie!"

Jimmy Labatt - 2008-06-07

Old Wizard guy has Plumber's Butt

Herr Matthias - 2008-06-07

This reminds me of an old Wheel of Fortune game for the IIGS where Vanna White would spend literally five minutes walking across to spin a letter.

boner - 2008-06-07

Oh, Gametek.... bad memories

Camonk - 2008-06-07

Guys are just numbskulls, too stupid to understand this. Roberta, please come back to PC games! We miss you!

Also, I really wanted the king to stick his foot out as the old dude meandered past.

FABIO2 - 2008-06-07

This was the very first (IBM compatible) PC game I ever played and my only prior games were C64 and the NES. I was so blown away by the graphical jump that it took me forever to realize how horrible this game was.

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-06-07

You probably should have asked what it was before you ate it. I hope one of the things you're questing for is common sense.

RomancingTrain - 2008-06-08

If it were any other part of the game that cookie would have fucking murdered you.

Keefu - 2008-06-07

Is this the one with that goddamn owl?

cognitivedissonance - 2008-06-08


And when he died halfway through, if you didn't save him, YOU LOST THE GAME.

Nominal - 2016-01-31

I don't think Cedric could die in this.

Are you thinking of the rat?

Xenocide - 2008-06-08

Life's hard when you live inside a picture frame.

Monchiles Monchiles - 2008-06-08

Not only did that guy not ask what the hell he was eating, he didn't even hesitate to stick that thing in his mouth.

ChocFullOfFunk - 2008-06-08

All of the focus groups said the old man moved too quickly.

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