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Comment count is 13
Caminante Nocturno - 2008-06-14

"Hey, guys! I'm here to help you in your quest to - OW!!!"

Comeuppance - 2008-06-14

From left to right, our perspective:
Big McVanderhuge
Roll Fizzlebeef
Tits McGee.

garcet71283 - 2008-06-14



Big McLargehuge
Blast Hardcheese
Punch Rockgroin


TeenerTot - 2008-06-14

Is this a porn movie? It looks like a porn movie.

a flaming monkey - 2008-06-15

God, I hope not! I suspect that the film has many more lion men.

Stopheles - 2008-06-14

Ah, this one. I got paid Student Activities funds to play this on the big screen at my college...

King of Balls - 2008-06-15


Is Ruggero Deodato really behind this? I was under the impression he was kind of a respected guy.

Busby Berkeley - 2011-02-12


Camonk - 2008-06-14

These look like exactly the wrong people to be given weapons and sent on quests.

Steve Airport - 2008-06-15

This is one of my favorite crap 80's movies, and there are definitely more clips worthy of being shown here.

Keefu - 2008-06-15

I bet the middle guy repeats the same joke with the head of every beast he ends up slaying.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2008-06-15

Now see this is how you barbarian.

Jimmy Labatt - 2008-06-15

The whooshing sound of the arrow makes this for me

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