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Desc:A noble white family is besieged in a cabin by savage negros. Will the KKK reach them in time?
Category:Classic Movies
Tags:racism, Blackface, Birth of a Nation, D. W. Griffith, cross-cut
Submitted:Simian Pride
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Comment count is 21
Cleaner82 - 2008-06-15

YES YES! Go Billy go! Rend those black folk asunder!

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-06-15

It's even better if you imagine all of them yelling "MAMMY!" over and over as they attack.

NoCode - 2008-06-16

A very special five stars for this comment.

MK_Ultra - 2008-06-15

How would they splice the film back together when they were editing back then?

TinManic - 2008-06-15

with special kind of tape...? that's a trick question, right?

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-06-15

Why, the old-fashioned way, of course!

MK_Ultra - 2008-06-15

They had tape in 1915? I'm imagining them stitching the strips together with thread or something...

glasseye - 2008-06-15

They had tape.

yeahjim - 2008-06-15

First film to use any sort of cross-cutting, I believe. Groundbreaking in many ways from a technical standpoint.

manfred - 2008-06-15

Endorsed by Woodrow Wilson!

Helena Handbasket - 2008-06-15

Like writing history with lightning!

GuyCorngood - 2008-06-15

Get those orcs!

Hooker - 2008-06-15

Added by one Simian Pride.

Hooker - 2008-06-16

Also, where's the "white people" tag?

glasseye - 2008-06-15

The birth of modern conservatives.

Hodge - 2008-06-15

Is this new footage of resident evil 5

potvin - 2008-06-15

5 stars for historical significance even though anything that you have continually qualify with "for the time" is not a great work of art.

Hooker - 2008-06-16


revdrew - 2008-06-16

Those brave women would rather die then be ravaged by those cowardly savages. Where did we lose our ways.

NoCode - 2008-06-16

Plunger-heads to the rescue!

bac - 2008-12-11

A there are a lot of doors in that cabin and B I'm sure it makes sense in context. hehehehe

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