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This Clip is 1 of 6 Clips (1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6)
Desc:The story of Jonny Kennedy, a man who lived with a disease that made his skin fall off.
Tags:disease, boy, cancer, skin, Jonny Kennedy
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Comment count is 8
freedoom - 2008-06-18

Why is it always the British that seem to make these documentaries about weird diseases and disorders?

Penumbric Twat - 2008-06-18

I enjoyed every last bit, especially the ending... Jonny DID have a wicked sense of humour, I'm convinced. Watching those old women at his funeral, fighting tears while bopping their heads awkwardly (and somehow still disapprovingly) to Queen, and the curtains literally closed on his Tiger-inscribed pine box, I skrieked like a fruitbat with hysterical laughter. I think he really understood how funny death can be. I won't forget his name!

rustedmutt - 2008-06-18


Smellvin - 2008-06-18

Oh gawd. 6:40. :(

Syd Midnight - 2008-06-18

I saw this on TV. He was a hell of a guy. This is a documentary you won't ever forget.

Keefu - 2008-06-19

That was both uplifting and depressing.

crojo - 2012-07-01

It's like he was designed by Chris Onstad.

lordyam - 2012-11-22

:'-( i've tried to watch this for over a week and cant finish; was about to post but i got beat by four years. sometimes, i hope im wrong about there being no god. happy thanksgiving poetv

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