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Comment count is 25
Rodents of Unusual Size - 2008-06-19

This entire movie is mesmerizing and ten times more creative than kids fantasy films today. [/old man rant]

cognitivedissonance - 2008-06-19

And, as usual, Tim Burton rips the visuals off wholescale to cram into Sweeney Todd. Although Sondheim wrote the music and the scene, there were ways to do it that weren't blatantly Labyrinth-inspired.

NoCode - 2008-06-19

Hells yes, Labyrinth rocks hardcore.

I am stunned that kids accept the crap they are served today. Just today while on my volunteer shift at the zoo I was trying to explain to a kid of about 10 how cool sloth bears are. I asked him, "Have you ever seen the movie The Jungle Book? This is the same kind of bear as Baloo."

He stared at me blankly. "I like Kung Fu Panda."


There is a whole generation of kids walking around right now who have never seen Labyrinth, and probably never will. This makes me sad.

Harveyjames - 2008-06-20

Labyrinth isn't that good! Terry Jones is like a low-rent Terry Gilliam.

Spastic Avenger - 2009-02-14

Except that they're totally different, yes.

StanleyPain - 2008-06-19

As much as I have loved Labyrinth since I first saw it in theaters, I always thought this sequence was the weakest and a bad idea, personally. I thought it was placed badly and dragged the movie right here. Still...great movie, great production design and general overall coolness from the Henson folks.

anvill - 2008-06-19

Any scene that gets Jennifer Connelly into that dress is fine by me. Those were new feelings, then.

StanleyPain - 2008-06-19


TeenerTot - 2008-06-20

Well, it wouldn't be a fairy tale about a girl coming into her own without a scene representing the seduction/transition from girl to woman.
And David Bowie's package.

Syd Midnight - 2008-07-12

This scene makes me feel like a pretty princess.

Shion - 2008-08-08

This scene is gorgeous and used to creep me out mightily when I was kid.

TheOtherCapnS - 2008-06-19

It's 1986 David Bowie from the movie Labyrinth.

Babies Ate My Dingo - 2008-06-19

Labyrinth was fabulous. Kids today don't know what they're missing. (Bowie's package, for one thing.)

boner - 2008-06-19

Receiving transmission from David Bowie's nipple antennae

Cap'n Profan!ty - 2008-06-19

This is my favorite movie of all time.

This is the one scene I totally fucking hate.

Takselvaki - 2008-06-19

Labyrinth was good, i always liked Legend better tho

Maggot Brain - 2008-06-19

"Hello, I'm David Bowie. I am inside you right now."

leifthorrsman - 2008-06-20

I was always scared the goblin in David Bowie's tight pants was going to leap out and attack me

Hugo Gorilla - 2008-06-20

I didn't like Labyrinth as a kid. I don't know if I would like it now. But, hey, Jennifer Connelly.

Lurchi - 2008-06-20


CTHlu_teddybear - 2008-06-20

ohh the things i would do to her
(The soverign of the guild of clamatious intent)
(the dude from labyrinth just turned into a bird!!!)

zatojones - 2008-06-20

hot 18 year old Jennifer Connelly

baumer - 2008-12-17

15 years old?

Justin Dohrmann - 2008-08-06

I like the Ass-to-Ass part at the end of the film.

Spastic Avenger - 2009-02-14

I really love the Trevor Jones soundtrack piece that segues into 'As the world falls down'; it really, really is quite ominous.

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